Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Palestinians love Al Qaida

Check it out.

A poll carried out in the Palestinian Authority shows 65% support for Al Qaeda terror attacks on the United States and European countries - the biggest donors to the PA. The poll comes at a time when US and European funding of the Palestinian Authority is at an all-time high.

With elections due to be held next month and the Hamas terror group gaining significantly in municipal elections and polls, the survey further illustrates the desire of a majority of PA Arabs to establish an Islamic state, similar to Iran.

A whopping 79.9% of Palestinians would like the PA to follow Shari'a - Islamic religious law. Included in the figure are 11.3% of the respondents, who would like to see Shari'a supplemented by the laws of a PA Legislature."What is striking is the willingness of Palestinians to turn against even the Western countries upon whom they are so totally dependent in order to progress," said Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) Director Itamar Marcus.

"The poll underscores what PMW has been documenting for years - the profoundly negative impact hate education has had on PA society…Palestinians are not in direct conflict with the US, and certainly have counted on the Europeans as active allies. And yet an overwhelming majority desire to see Europeans and Americans killed by a religion-based terror organization."

More Land and more money for the vermin! That oughta teach 'em who's boss.



Mad Zionist said...

Gang, the idea that we are paying tax dollars to fund islamic terror really pisses me off.

nanc said...

madze, i must apologize about my tax statement quite a few weeks ago - it seems we do end up paying STATE taxes every year, but one, for the last seventeen years. that ticks me off. but so you know we support a few orgs whose money does NOT go to this type of activity. and, we support only four star charities and our little church of course.

i'm pissed too. i hate special interests also.

you should do some research on charities and post your top ten picks so the rest of us could check it out and support some of the same groups.

once people narrow their wants down to nothing and their needs down to a minimum is when we find just how much money we don't need.

sure hope everyone is having a great chanukah - i am.

nanc said...

well, that's it for you kuhnkat, aids charity hater, which btw spells ach! you are sure to be put on the five star charity hater list - you know the one that says, "do not pander to me" list - yeah, it's the list i've been trying to get on for years. drats! i guess i'll have to give it another try - back to the drawing board...

Anonymous said...

Id like to know where the families of the rape victims are.
If it happened to my daughter they would have a mortal enemy hunting them until their last breath - or his (whichever came 1st).

As for the tax money to jihadis, it's been going on for decades.

Anonymous said...

And Kuhnkat, I must disagree with your idea of dropping a planeload of them in the ocean.

Fill it with captured jihadis and a cpl of MOABs and drop it on the Mecca shrine at midday.

nanc said...

rwm - just for fun, look up moab in your bible or strong's concordance - i know it means "mother of all bombs", but the prophetic implications are phenomenal.

Mad Zionist said...

Wow! You guys are good! I just got back from a very rare GUYS night out with my boss for our anual new year's beer drinking bash at a local sports bar. I feel very good right about now, so I think it's time to add a posting!

nanc said...

you must be kidding, madze...?

nanc said...

well, if you're serious, it had better have been SNOB beer! my favorite is any japanese beer, sapporo or asahi will do fine. i know men like guinness because it has that little ball bearing in the bottom, which means they must have two at least...

Mad Zionist said...

nanc, is Miller Lite a snob beer? I had about 10 of them so I hope I'm not "snobbling" all over my keyboard.

Mad Zionist said...

Taz, I have decided over many years of experimentation that I like Miller beer product the best. Screw the girly man beer from Europe...Gimme a Miller High Life or Miller Lite and I'm happy as can be.

Anonymous said...

arrr! ;}

Not to sound cliche', but we will only stop the madness if enough of us care and vote.
So far it just dont happen enough so the politicians dont fear us.

They DO fear the bloc-voting activist lefties though, and that is why we keep gettin screwed.

We are the majority but it only matters at the polls.
The academic front is important, but so is the media.
We must keep pushing for equal access to it because most people that vote arent in school anymore.

We own AM, but we are rare on FM and TV - and even rarer on film.

Our enemies foreign and domestic understand media is the most powerful weapon.

We must embrace this reality as well or they will continue to get away with lying and censoring the truth.

We certainly cant depend on Fox either.
They are swinging left and even let Prince Iloveweenie call the shots.
It's time to recruit some political muscle for another conservative TV channel.
Having 1 is putting all our eggs in one basket and it's startin to tip over.

Perhaps PAX could help or something.
Maybe Walmart or NASCAR or some other right-leaning mountain of money that could buy into it (I dont mention oil because, despite the squeals of the left, it is staffed almost entirely by unions so they'd never help).

Whatever the case, we have to keep the left from regaining a headlock on the media or the world is screwed.
Without the media, we will never get enough voters to beat our domestic enemies (from the tenured traitors to the elected ones) - much less all our foreign ones.

nanc said...

miller lite? definitely not snob beer and i don't drink enough snob beer to move anything, tazz - goodness! you forgot to mention belching, scratching and fartin'! and, another thing, hangovers are afraid of me...