Monday, December 26, 2005

Islamic Republic of Gaza fires Qassams on Israeli Kindergarten

Oh yeah, unconditional surrender from Gaza was just a splendid idea.

Ynetnews reports:

A Chanukah party attended by kindergarten children and their parents in kibbutz Sa'ad was disrupted Monday after the activation of the "Red Dawn" alert system was followed by an exploding Qassam rocket nearby.

No injuries were reported in the latest rocket attack. Another Qassam landed Monday afternoon south of Ashkelon.

"This was a big miracle, because the Qassam rocket landed at a very small distance from the kindergarten during the Chanukah party," community director Sarah Evron said. "We must recall that kindergartens and all other educational facilities at Sa'ad are not fortified. Obviously, after (the attack) the party ended."

OK, time for Spielberg to begin work on his next project: "Gaza". In it we will see sympathetic "Palestinian" characters who are hunted down in cold blood by cruel Israeli spies simply because they launched qassam rockets at Jewish school children due to their frustration with Israeli injustices and brutality.



Mad Zionist said...

Kuhnkat, you said a lot when you ended your comment with: "Provided they bother to hear it." They certainly won't hear it from the MSM, as it will most certainly be ignored by the biased scum.

I'm actually getting more outraged by the day with this because the Israeli concessionist government refuses to take substantial military action to stop the rockets - which, ironically, are often being launched from the roof tops of the homes the Jews were expelled from.

Sick, sick, sick, sick!

Man, make me PM for the day and I'd either have the "Palestinians" on camels back to Jordan by nightfall, or they'd be buried 6 feet underneath Gaza and the West Bank. I'm good with it either way.


Anonymous said...

Why are they firing rockets? Maybe because they are tired of living in cages that the Israelis are keeping them in? Look, when someone is pushed past the point of return you shouldn't be surprised when they lash out.

Munich is actually the perfect movie from what I hear and read. Spielgberg understands the Palestinians are real people with real families, and that Israel killing them in cold blood was inhumane. The cycle of violence ends only when the OPPRESSOR ends it!

I am continually amazed at how intellectually inferior the right really is. Don't you see how obvious this is?

Mad Zionist said...

Dana, why do you and all the liberals like you have so much sympathy for murderers and so little sympathy for their victims? Why do you hate law enforcement but love the criminals? If you think being pro-crime/anti-police, or pro-criminal/anti-military is the way to run a society you are not intellectual, you are certifiable.