Friday, December 16, 2005

Moslems kill Jewish father of 5

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Party and Sami Al-Aryan's Islamic Jihad have claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack. This from Arutz Sheva:

Arab terrorists shot at Israeli motorists, killing one and injuring two others, in the southern Hevron Hills region Friday afternoon.

The attack took place 20 miles south of Jerusalem, between Beit Haggai and Har Manoah - a region slated to be left on the Arab side of the Partition Fence. The terrorists opened fire from a vehicle driving in the opposite direction.

The critically-injured 35-year-old male victim, a resident of Beit Haggai and father of five, was transported to Hadassa Ein Karem Hospital in Jerusalem, where he was pronounced dead.IDF forces have deployed in the region to search for the terrorists.

There have been increasing rock and firebomb attacks in the region in recent weeks. Hevron Hills Mayor Tzviki Bar-Chai called upon Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to order an all-out offensive on terror groups operating in the region.

He blamed Israel's planned facilitation of "safe passage routes" (Arab convoys from Gaza to Judea and Samaria) for the brazen attack. A full closure has been placed on Judea and Samaria and Gaza following the firing of Kassam rockets at Ashkelon Thursday night.

Thanks for making the Jewish people safer, Mr. Sharon. It might as well have been you firing the gunshots that killed this man. The blood stains are upon your hands, traitor.

Perhaps it's time to build another homosexual civic center?



Anonymous said...

The Jew who was killed would be alive today if he were on the Israeli side of the Green Line instead of the Palestinian side.

So, it's not Sharon's hands that have blood on them, because Sharon is seeking to remove the Jews from the West Bank so that this doesn't happen anymore, but the Israeli right who make all this terrorism possible.

Really, the blood is on the hands of Nazi Settlers who inflamed the Palestinians in the first place. If the Arabs were allowed to live among Jews in Israel instead of being segragated like Blacks were in South Africa than this never would have happened in the place.

Freedomnow said...

I think MZ is wrong for blaming Sharon for the death, but I can understand why he would say that.

However….. Dana, for you to say, "...the Israeli right who make all this terrorism possible." is a denial that it is the terrorists who make this possible. They raise the necessary funds, they acquire the weapons, recruit the killers, plan the attacks and execute the plans.

Terrorists are Responsible for Terrorism. Anyone who denies this reality is using terrorism to advance their own aims.

Dana, this is the most disgusting statement I have read from you, "...the blood is on the hands of Nazi Settlers who inflamed the Palestinians in the first place" You are the scum of the Earth. You legitimize the terror and make yourself an accessory to the crime.

You are worse than a holocaust denier. Your words kill people.

Anonymous said...

Freedomnow, get over yourself. Who are you to say there is nobody to blame for terrorism but the terrorists? Have you ever been forced to live in a filthy cage after being kicked out of your house and told never to come back?

Have you ever been told you can't drive past the wall because of your race or religion?

Have you ever watched your friends and family get shot and killed by an oppressor because they aren't allowed to move freely in what used to be there land?

Have you ever had your friends or family get there houses bull dozed because the landlord doesn't like them?

Have you ever been unable to get a job because an illegal occupier ruined the economy where you live with their weapons?

Of course not. You are just another chump being spoon fed what to think by the rightwing spin jockeys.

nanc said...

for the life of me, i do not know how people could cuddle up to a person like tookie williams after what he was responsible for, yet condemn an innocent dead man because he may not have been where he was supposed to be.

surely, you, oh resident dhimmiwit can see the hypocrisy of this and other statements you've made on this site? or has your head finally caved in for lack of grey matter?

Anonymous said...

The "innocent" man was trespassing, nanc of Nazareth. I don't say he deserved to die, but the people who killed him have been pushed over the top, so it has to be expected.

It's one thing to put someone in a slum because of their religion, like the Israelis have done to the Palestinians, but it takes a lot of "chutzpah" to then drive by them in your car every day just to rub it in.

Got that, brainwashed bible boob?

Anonymous said...

OK, Mr. Kuhnkat, you go ahead and pick and choose who you "defend". The way I see it, the military kills more innocent people than anything else, not to mention the torture, and as far as I'm concerned never does anything to problems but make them bigger problems.

Ever think maybe war isn't the answer? MAybe killing doesn't solve anything? Maybe compassion and tolerance saves lives and ends killing?

You jarheads wouldn't want peace, though, would you? You'd lose your cushy jobs killing people who have no food or weapons to speak of.

nanc said...

sooooooo, if i'm "pushed over the top" is the qualifying factor for murdering people. hey, madze, why didn't you let us in on this info?

one of my children is a slob and one extremely neat. the slob pushes me over the top nearly everyday - and come to find out the leftwingnuts will side with me if i kill her!

my husband puts the toilet seat down - and i found this strange behavior for a man, but as it never really pushed me over the top i guess i won't murder him. he got close though.

now that i know over the top is a good defense in these situations, i believe the next time someone gives me their i.q. i will just run them off the road into a tree, hopefully killing the entire carload of people because, hey, they'll probably grow to be just like the driver.

brainwashed bible boob finally gets it! the only thing cooler than that is the other side of the pillow! thanx - now i must go out and see if i can get someone ticked off at me so i can kill them or they me.

Mad Zionist said...

Nanc, Dana is beginning to push me over the top...


nanc said...

;> good....let me at her.

nanc said...

oops i wasn't finished. now i am. i might have to go shoot a puppy who is pushing me over the top because he will not leave my chickens and turkens alone. won't be the first time - gotta git'em on a run though - i hate shootin' standin' still things! brainwashed bible boob finds it wrong to shoot somethin' lookin' her in the eye...

Mad Zionist said...

Be careful, nanc. If it turns out your puppy is a Palestinian activist than you'll be in a heap of trouble. Why not just say the puppy is a Rightwing Zionist so you can safely kill without fear of reprisal?

nanc said...

we are ALL zionists at nanc house, 60+- chickens and turkens, two rabbits (males-hence only two), a hamster, a fish, three cats, a dog, a puppy, our calf (named cheeseburger), one nanchusband, two nanckids, and only one nanc - it's going to take an army to take us down! or one homicide bomber who makes it past the crazy neighbor before us (retired marine).

i'm starting to feel heavy - is that kuhnkat weighing me down up ^ there?

nanc said...

where is the horse, kuhnkat? if you get it on a good run, i'll take it down. if its lame, i'll just have to shoot it with my eyes closed. git out the way!!!

Mad Zionist said...

Dana is a lost and pathetic kid who thinks her professors were all-knowing truth tellers. Hopefully she'll wake up someday, or, perhaps, she'll wake up dead and buried under a bulldozer with her friend Rachel Corrie.

Let's hope she comes to her senses sometime soon. By the gist of her rhetoric, though, I think she's so far gone it would take a miracle to bring her back.

Then again, if Sharon can go from Arab killer to Arab tool I guess anything is possible.


nanc said...

i want you to know, kuhnkat, our family appreciates you and all your military brothers and sisters. don't let people like dana get you upset. there are far more of us behind you than not - and believe me when i say i believe there will come a day when nutbags like her will call out to you and if you are anything like i think you are - you'll be there for them. that's more than enough for nanc.

Anonymous said...

Dana Arabs do live among Jew sin Israel. Over 800,000 of them enjoy full citizenship and rights.
They live better than any other Arabs in the ME.

Meanwhile Jews are ethnically cleansed from all Arab nations.

Your double standard is as obvious as the foot you perpetually keep in your mouth.

Freedomnow said...


The much oppressed Tibetans do not resort to such violent tactics as the Palestinians and fellow Islamists.

Arab aggression against the Jews predates the founding of Israel by 27 years. It was unprovoked just like the current Intifada.

What do you know of the Islamist orgy of violence that you support?

Any decent and civilized person should have zero tolerance for terrorism. Your colors are stained red with the blood of the victims of terrorism; Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu and Buddhist.

If you keep supporting the Islamic war machine, it will boomerang on you and the world. Please take care of yourself because you are headed for a nervous breakdown.

Freedomnow said...

Dana said,

"The Jew who was killed would be alive today if he were on the Israeli side of the Green Line instead of the Palestinian side."

So if a black man goes to a white neighborhood, the same could be said if he is killed.

Your ideology is so sad...

Freedomnow said...


I linked this post to my site, the depths of Leftwing lunacy is too much.

Freedomnow said...


I agree with your arguments. My only disagreement is that I dont think the Palestinians should be kicked out of the Gaza strip or West Bank (even though, the majority of Palestinians support terrorism).

Otherwise, I would have to say that no Israeli should be kicked out of their homes either.

Israel has the right of self-defense and shouldnt be forced to sit back and allow the Palestinians to plot terrorist attacks from Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian, Saudi Arabian or Egyptian territories.

The Jews suffer from the most discrimination of any religious or ethnic group in the world.

Islamic terrorism needs to fought militarily and politically.

nanc said...

jan v. i agree with you. but the only way the guys pay great attention is if we (providing you are a woman) 1) act stupid; 2) talk sex; 3) talk guns; 4) talk military; or 5) talk about what they are talking about. the best way is to work all five into the conversation - oh and i've found if i use my suthun it puts an edge on it which i have yet to figure out.

girl talk now - i have had a lull in posting for the last few hours because my gorgeous hunk of burning love came home for the weekend with a loaded gun wanting to join the military. but alas, he was talking U.S.O. because he called me to our bathhouse and i thought i was in for some action, but little did i know he wanted to dance - so after cutting a mean rug, acting stupidly, i said, "what was that all about?" he said, "you'll find out!"

i believe i will be fortunate this evening. so na-na-na-na-na danablows!

nanc said...

p.s. jan v. h e h a d a l o a d e d g u n !!! y e p i s a w i t w i t h m y o w n e y e s ! ! ! i b e l i e v e i t w a s a . 3 5 7 ! ! !

nanc said...

i knew i'd get your attention, kuhnkat! that's just one of the great things about youuuuuu!!! revolver, long barrel, blacked, standard finish.

did nanc pass your test? can we talk about curtains now?

nanc said...

p.s. sgt. we do have an old .22 with m.o.p. grip. it's the one my husband takes the children out with for target practice. the kidz are getting pretty good at shooting the apple off the top of his head!

i pray william doesn't tell anyone!

beakerkin said...

Hey Left Wing Dingbats

MZ is way too generous.

I work in a facility where we review ID papers from all over the world. I see papers from Gaza cross my desk and the man is born in 48. His papers read drumroll Egyptian. His kid born in Gaza in the seventies read drum roll Palestinian. The exact situation
happens with people on the West Bank. The papers read Jordan and their kids born after the Six day war read Palestinian. I also have seen people called Palestinians born in Kuwait, Hondouras, France and New Jersey.

Palestinians are Arabs and are not and never were a seperate ethnicity. If you do not believe me read the zionist source known as the PLO charter.

There are no Palestinians and never were and. Arabs have twenty two states allready and got to where they are today by colonialism. They should also create a State for the Copts of Egypt, The Assyrians, Kurds who unlike the Pseudostinians all have historical identity going back 2000
years or more.

Colonialism by the West is evil but Islamo Colonialism is peachy. Guess what your good old progressives do in the same situation as Israel. The Soviet Union herded the Muslims into cattle cars and transplanted them into frozen sections in Siberia where 1/3 died. They did this to other etnic groups as well. Chinese
take another approach they pay a huge dowery in a Muslim marries a hot Chinese babe. The person is then shunned in his community and the kids considered Chinese.

I was born in Brooklyn so as a Canarsie Indian I want my own country. Mr Beamish said I do not speak the Canarsie language. The Palestinians speak Arabic. Mr Beamish points out I have no biological ties to the Canarsie. The Palestinians have zero ties to the Phillistines and arrived years
after they were a historical memory. Mr Beamish points out I do not practice the Canarsie religion.
The Palestinians practice Sunni Islam just like Arabs in adjacent areas. Mr Beamish does point out that I am not culturaly different enough from my adjacent NYC residents in Queens, Staten Island, The Bronx or Manhattan to warrant my own city much less a homeland.


I agree the Gay Center should be privately funded. However as Israel has Civil law they should be left alone. The persons next door choice of sexual partners has zero impact on my life. The truth is I could care less.

The gay center is driving gay anti semites like Simon Jones and 167 up a wall. This alone is priceless as they claim Israel is more homophobic then countries that put
gays to death as part of Civil Law.