Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Jerusalem Post rips anti-Israel "Munich"

There's a great film review of Munich, Abu Spielberg's big screen jihad against Israel's right to exist, in today's Jerusalem Post by Samuel G. Freedman. Freedman pulls no punches in exposing Spielberg and his radical homosexual/Palestinian activist screen writer, Tony Kushner, for the self-loathing Jews that they are.

Forty-five years ago, during Israel's brief turn as an object of international sympathy, the film of Exodus opened, presenting a fantasy version of the Jewish State's birth.

With their new film Munich, the director Stephen Spielberg and screenwriter Tony Kushner have supplied the antidote, the counter-Exodus, an anti-Zionist epic in which the role of a virtuous Jew is to make not aliya but yerida. Few works of art or popular culture so pointedly convey the anxiety of liberal American Jews, circa 2005, about an Israel that survives by the practice of aggressive self-defense. In Munich, Israel is not the expression of Jewish values but the contradiction of them.

Liberal Jews everywhere will likely hail this putrid film as a Spielberg masterpiece. It is even conceivable that American liberal Jewish organizations will begin actively encouraging yerida, or emigrating away from Israel, as the morally right thing for Jews to do - undoubtably with Spielberg himself as their spokesman.

Spielberg and Kushner never miss an opportunity to depict the hit team, and by extension the Israeli enterprise, as anathema to Jewishness. Of the five members of the revenge unit, Munich offers its greatest empathy to those with the gravest doubts about the morality of the mission. One of them, Carl, vividly embodies the cosmopolitan Jew with his pipe and cardigan sweaters, his cover occupation dealing antiques. Robert, an erstwhile toymaker who moonlights as a bomb-maker, declares at one point, "We're Jews. Jews don't do wrong because our enemies do wrong…We're supposed to be righteous."

Such sentiments ultimately persuade the film's central character, Avner, the one with whom an audience is meant most closely to identify. Both the deaths he exacts from Palestinians and the deaths incurred by his own team, including those of Carl and Robert, turn Avner into a shattered specimen by the movie's final scenes.

The idea of moral equivalence between the Jews and the Arabs used to be the liberal mantra. Now, advancing the moral superiority of the Palestinians over the Israelis has become the "evolved" position of the progressives.

In Munich, it's Palestinians rather than Jews who express the deepest feelings for home. At one juncture, Kushner and Spielberg contrive to have the Israel squad wind up in the same Athens safe-house as a PLO cell. Ali, the leader of the Arab group, wears around his neck an ancient key.

While the detail is not explained in the film, it clearly refers to the Palestinian practice of holding onto keys from the homes they fled or were driven from in 1948 and 1967. "Home is everything," Ali tells Avner, who is pretending to be a Basque separatist to avoid detection.

Earlier in the film, in contrast, Avner assures his pregnant wife that she is his home. She, for her part, says that his problem as a human being is that he was raised in a kibbutz and thinks of Israel as his mother. Ultimately, Avner joins her and their newborn daughter in Brooklyn. Doing so, Munich wants us to understand, is the quintessentially Jewish thing to do. Exile is what makes the Jew Jewish, because powerlessness makes a Jew soulful and idealistic. The Israelis of Munich are the kind even Edward Said could like.

Yes, the Jew who leaves Israel behind, and, by clear inference, abandones Judaism as well, is really somehow being a good Jew and a better human being as a result.

FOR ANYONE who knows Tony Kushner's life and work, the viewpoint of Munich can come as no surprise. As a gay man who grew up in the Deep South during the segregation era, Kushner has been formed by two social conflicts that genuinely do yield to absolutes of Right and Wrong.

Kushner's sensibility, much more than Spielberg's, informs Munich. If one sees the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as the collision of two legitimate forms of nationalism, then it cannot possibly be rendered as a matter of moral absolutes. If one sees it, however, as a matter of Western colonialism dispossessing an indigenous people, then Right and Wrong come in very handy.

When Kushner has spoken of Zionism over the years, he has often invoked the imperialism narrative. Just to cite one typical example, he told Haaretz last year that "establishing a state means f---ing people over."

All of which makes it entirely logical that the most appealing, sympathetic characters in Munich are those who criticize or even disown Zionism in the cause of being more truly Jewish. And, of course, for winning an audience's heart, nothing beats having a Jew die. Death is the ultimate proof of Jewish virtue.

L'chaim to death?? Apparantly, that's Jewish philosophy from the liberal perspective.

Sadly, whatever good Spielberg did in his Holocaust survivor documentaries and Schindler's List has now been undone by this collaboration with Kushner in producing, Munich: the Israel-hating, Palestinian loving, feel good blockbuster of the season.

His legacy will forever be stained.



Anonymous said...

Spielberg and Kushner are a couple of liberal fags from Hollywood who need to take their moslem loving pussy movie and shove it up their asses. I wouldn't see another movie from that piece of shit commie bastard if he paid me.

Anonymous said...

As would the US...

Anyhow, speaking of PC-addled assmonkeys, check out how the Nonadian police and press cover this story here:

and here:

An utter abscence of any description of the murderers.
Pathetic cowards.
This was my favorite line from link 2:
" The source also said police have issued a border alert for the suspects, whose identities and descriptions were not released." effective.
I think France secretly rules Canada.

Anonymous said...

Indeed. It seems much like our West coast - except with snow lol.
I know most of the foolishness comes from the urbanites that think traffic and high rent makes them somehow smarter than the folks that suffer their vote.

Fortunately, they are always the ones that reap the consequences of their atheist, multi-culti horsecrap 1st.
It's just a shame it has to cost the blood of innocents that happen to be there.

I really pray the sensible Canadians retake their country from the marxist buffons that are dismantling it.
The resource to population ratio of Canada should make the Canadians the richest people on earth, but the left hobbles them while slowly transforming the country into a euro-style mess.

They've had too much success in their destructive agenda already.
If it keeps sliding downhill it wont be Canada anymore and very bad things will be sure to follow.

Mad Zionist said...

Big Right, you always manage to hit the nail on the head with very few words. Love your blunt candor.

Mad Zionist said...

Taz, you are very accurate in your assesment of why Israel is in such a tenuous situation. It is the leftist, Jew-hating Jew who debilitates the Jewish State from being able to fix the moslem problems once and for all.

Anonymous said...

A good start would be to wipe that obscene shrine to Lucifer from the Temple Mount and remove all of the muslim occupiers from Jerusalem.

Atif said...

I think people like you are the reason Israel isn't a "strong and united nation" today. Look at the language and rhetoric in your posts! Such hatred, such immaturity. And I don't see what Spielberg's sexuality has to do with his movie making.

How can peace ever exist in this land with attitudes such as yours? I am glad that you are indeed among a dying breed.

nanc said...

O.T. guys, but if you get a chance watch cavuto (guest host) tonight (rerun from today) - there was a canadian guy trying to blame gang activity on u.s. because we lack the same gun laws as they have. the guest host (an english fellow) rips him a new one and with great sarcasm. must see t.v.

hey, who's the moonbat?

nanc said...

oh, i remember him from a couple of months ago, different name, and was then studying to be a lawyer. my, my, my - these lefties sure can't make up their minds who or what they want to be when they grow out of it. check out your archives, madze - seems to me i made a comment to him regarding him wanting to be a defense lawyer...

nanc said...

yes, big sure has a way with words - wonder if he's kin to beamish?

Mad Zionist said...


Who are you talking to? Who is a dying breed? Attitudes like whom's are immature? What the hell are you talking about?

Seems to me your bio about not being well informed about anything is pretty accurate.

I assume from your Islamic sounding name you are indeed a moslem, so what is it that you would like to about Israel? Oh, let me guess, Jews being driven into the sea is involved in your solution.

Mad Zionist said...

I fust read Atif's blog...a worthless waste of time as he blathers about his communist political leanings and his hatred for George Bush.

Oh, and he has an anti-Israel islamic website as one of his personal favorite links.

What we have here is an islamo-communist piece of filth, gang.

And nanc, he is not the lawyer troll you were thinking of.

nanc said...

so we have two idiots from glasgow scotland who've hit your site? wow, you are international now. i knew it would happen eventually and hope to say i knew madze when...

Mad Zionist said...

Nanc, I love ya!

Mad Zionist said...

Kuhnkat, he's a moslem so he'll be popping out babies like all good polygomists who enslave their wives.

Atif said...

There is so much wrong here that I don't even know where to begin. So I won't waste my time.

Have fun as you and your 'gang' continue to make assumptions (that you yourselves then find to be incorrect), misrepresent my statements, and abuse me and my religion.

PS. Your reply to my posts is exactly the sort of immaturity I was talking about. Didn't think that would need pointing out.

PPS. I didn't come across your site by reputation. It was through bad luck - the 'Next Blog' button.

nanc said...

thank G-d, atif...and i mean the Creator G-d, the One Who put it all together - not the phony allah who told muhammad to marry and rape a small child - btw - did you know the hebrew spelling of allah in the o.t. is used as a curse, i believe twelve times, which is a divine number to G-d, not the lying allah. coincidence? i think not - allah was just a figment in the wild imagination of muhammad, probably drug induced - sure hate to think people believe it is real.

go with G-d, YHWH, YVWH, atif

nanc said...

sure you love me...until you get someone posting from zimbabwe or mauritania, or toadsuck arkansas - yeah, you say that now...

nanc said...

tazz, you know i don't live in toadsuck! did you find anything out from your son about the mosque in l.r.? i wonder if g.b. is close enough to hear the five calls to prayer a day?

Mad Zionist said...

Kuhnkat, I would also surmise that the time will come when the clash of civilizations escalates to a level that results in a lot fewer moslems.

nanc said...

no, kuhnkat - there is a toadsuck arkansas...

nanc said...

tazz - the string on your finger or a mosque in l.r.? i picture you looking all dainty with a string tied on your finger!

nanc said...

and i don't!

Anonymous said...

Atif people like us are the only reason Israel still exists and make no mistake - we are not a dying breed by any means.

We are the breed that has always fought the hordes of The Pedophile - and we will beat you EVERY FKIN TIME.
We remember the cliphates - we remember the genocide - we remember who you allied with in the World Wars.

You are filth upon God's earth and spread misery like an airborne disease.

We didnt spend 200yrs getting the yoke of your forebears off our necks for nothing, and we will NEVER let it happen again.

Anyhow, you guys just keep on stoking the fire.
Keep on murdering, raping, and teaching your youth to hate "infidels" while your perverted leaders live in opulence at your expense.

We couldnt BUY propaganda that good.

Oh...and before you go away all hurt because the mean ole conservatives aint here kissing muslim ass, go watch a little TV at MEMRI.

We do.

Anonymous said...

Yes Kuhnkat there are a LOT more Christians than muslims.

In fact, we Roman Catholics alone match or exceed them in number.
Add in the Protestants and Orthodox and it nearly doubles.

Also, Buddhists and Hindus each match them in numbers - and they aint exactly pals with Islam.
During the few centuries after the Crusades (before they got oil wealth), while the West was impervious to Islam, they visited their predations upon the East, and to this day they desecrate and murder them from India to Indonesia with glee.

They'd better pray to that the Indians dont finally lose their temper, and they'd better hope their commie sponsors in East Asia dont fall from power.

nanc said...

rwm - as for your statement regarding the muslims being outnumbered, they'd better pray to their powers that be that the limpwristed left do not finally take up arms. seems they even have them outnumbered - now if they'd just evolve some spine!

Anonymous said...

I've only seen the Soviets fight them.

The rest are their allies and sponsors - though inevitably the jihadis turn on them when they gain enough power.

Look at France and the other socialist toilets of Europe.
Heck look at Hamas and Fatah - or better yet, consider how every muslim country except the theocracy of Iran (where they turned on the Shah) is run by commies (sans the new Iraq of course).
Now of course, bear in mind my definition of commie is a broad one.
Since I see commies for what they really are (feudalists and monopolists) I include the emirates and monarchies along with the marxists.

Also, the jihadis always beat them - even the Russians.
I suppose it's because commies are inherently yellow.
I mean, their entire mindset of rationalization is born of moral and intellectual cowardice so I suppose it's a natural result.

Whatever the case, I dont think we will ever see the left do anything but grovel before them.

It's simply what they do in the face of a REAL threat.

nanc said...

ah, but when have they EVER had a REAL threat to face - everything leading up to this day and age has been pablum compared to what is coming if they do not wake up and smell the big people food.

the left has "mean" down pat, now if they could line that up with some good old fashioned righteous anger - they could appear humanlike.