Red Cindy is now in Spain continuing her official 2005 Quisling Tour. It is her hope to win the "hearts and minds" of Europeans by screaming about how terrible she thinks America and President Bush are for going to war against Iraq.
I think this picture tells us a lot about how well it's been going for her. Mr. President, please do not allow her back in this country.
This from Worldnetdaily:
MADRID, Spain — Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan led a small protest Saturday outside the U.S. Embassy to denounce the war in Iraq.
About 100 protesters carried banners criticizing President Bush.
Sheehan, whose soldier son was killed in Iraq, called Bush a war criminal and said, "Iraq is worse than Vietnam."
It's only worse because Cindy Sheehan is so much uglier than Hanoi Jane was back in the 1960's. Otherwise, we just watched about a 70% turnout for the Iraqi elections in what can only be considered an unqualified and remarkable military success.
I'm still waiting for those Vietnamese elections.
The left is sick this wman needs medication and help not media attention. Her anti semitic remarks and commie pals make this idiot a pariah
Cindy says,
"I can't take one more, "Hey! Look at the goofy -doofus-American- terrorist-enabler, with the butch haircut," crack, one more time!""
It said about 100 people marched with Cindy Sheehan, yet it was deemed worthy of coverage by the MSM. We had more than that at my synagogue's Simchas Torah party and no MSM reporters called.
thanx madze - i think i shall now go poke my own eyes out with a rusty fork...
Poor Casey.
That brave kid's grave has been spit on by his own mother.
I wanna know where his dad is in all this.
I know he divorced the moonbat after she started all her crap, but why the silence?
If that was my son I'd be haunting that bitch's every step and holding counter-rallies wherever she went.
I would have the media full of my opposition to her - for Casey's sake if nothing else.
NOBODY would dishonor my son without my teeth in their throat.
Is he some sad little sensitive 90's guy?
A new-age sissy?
A chicken-shit lefty lettin her speak his mind for him?
Inquiring patriots wanna know.
So does Casey.
Obviously, her ex-husband has more class than this family buster.
It would be best for their son's memory (who deeply believed in what we were doing in Iraq) to speak out against Cindy. However, when you do something like that then the memory of Casey becomes a media circus (more so than it is now).
This leads to the family becoming even more deeply divided between pro-US and pro-terrorist factions.
Keeping the family together is the most important thing for the Sheehans. Something that Cindy doesnt give a damn about.
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