Monday, December 26, 2005

Has Israel gone mad?

Well, I hate to concede anything to the concessionists, especially during Chanukah, but the fact is the self-loathers are winning the war in Israel right now.

Last week Benjamin Netanyahu, with near unanimous support from the rest of the Likud leadership, announced plans to have Moshe Feiglin expelled from the Likud party for being anti-concessionist and too Jewish.

Then FM Silvan Shalom, Netanyahu's second in command in Likud, said on Israel TV over the weekend:

"In the framework of negotiations we will be willing to compromise with the Palestinians." He then added the traditional capitulator battle cry, "Israel must be willing to make painful concessions."

What has happened to Likud? I had hoped it was just a Sharon disease, and that once he was out the Party they would surely return to hardline nationalism. Those were hopes, mind you, not expectations, so I am dissappointed but not surprised.

Naturally, PA terror leader Mahmoud Abbas isn't conceding anything. Get a load of this from Ha'aretz today:
Abbas even said that the Qassam rockets being fired from the Gaza Strip at Israel are "Israel's problem" and that he does not intend to interfere. "Let the Israelis deal with it," he said.

Of couse, there's always Sharon, the grandest capitulator of them all, who's Kadima Party has already been endorsed by the Peace Now, Palestinian Rights organization known as the Meretz Party. Here's a little sliver of the new party platform's concessionist blather:
"The basic tenet of the peace process is two national states. The Kadima Party believes the advancement of the peace process with the Palestinians is a central goal that it (Kadima) will act to advance in every possible way and channel in order to lay the foundations for the forming of the permanent borders of the state of Israel and to achieve quiet and peace."

It could get worse before it gets better, gang.



Anonymous said...

Has Israel gone mad, you ask? YES! Any country that subjugates an entire indigenous population must be mad if they think the persecuted people should like them.

If Israel would value justice and compassion, instead of perpetuating the tragic cycle of violence, than maybe things would finally improve.

nanc said...

danabobanabobonehead - did anyone ever tell you you can only get HERPES once? you are, for lack of a better word, an idiot (sure hope i don't get expelled for that)!!! forgive me Lord, for all idiots' sakes.