Sunday, November 20, 2005

Reform's Leftwing Zealotry

With a special Hat Tip to nanc...
When a movement of radical liberalism camouflages itself in religious imagery it can do tremendous damage. "Rabbi" Eric Yoffie, president of the liberal Union for Reform Judaism, made this fact perfectly clear at the Reform national conference in Houston last week.

Let me offer a bit of background on Reform Judaism, as many of you are probably unfamiliar with the history of the movement. Reform Judaism originated from the German Haskalah movement in the 18th century. Jewish secular philosopher Moses Mendelssohn was the most influential founding father. From its very inception, Reform Judaism was designed as a stepping stone to help Jews leave the burden of Torah behind and become secular, liberal gentiles. In fact, all of Mendelssohn's grandchildren assimilated out of Judaism and converted to Christianity.

Today, the anti-Torah hostility and radical liberal activism of the Reform movement still runs as deep as ever, and two developments took shape in this week's conference that plainly bore this out. First, they voted to officially condemn the war in Iraq as inhumane; Second, they announced an official condemnation of the Religious Right - including Jews who are of Orthodox denomination, because they do not embrace the Gay movement.

Read this from Newsmax:

HOUSTON -- The leader of the largest branch of American Judaism blasted conservative religious activists in a speech Saturday, calling them "zealots" who claim a "monopoly on God" while promoting anti-gay policies akin to Adolph Hitler's.

Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of the liberal Union for Reform Judaism, said "religious right" leaders believe "unless you attend my church, accept my God and study my sacred text you cannot be a moral person."

"We cannot forget that when Hitler came to power in 1933, one of the first things that he did was ban gay organizations," Yoffie said. "Yes, we can disagree about gay marriage. But there is no excuse for hateful rhetoric that fuels the hellfires of anti-gay bigotry."

Yoffie did not mention evangelical Christians directly, using the term "religious right" instead. In a separate interview, he said the phrase encompassed conservative activists of all faiths, including within the Jewish community.

Hitler, eh? So, let me get this straight: If one is either an Orthodox Jew or a Christian conservative one is really no better than the Nazis, right? That's just beautiful.

For your information, oh enlightened "Rabbi", Orthodox Jews and Religious Right Christians are America's biggest supporters of Israel, while the Christian and Jewish left are America's biggest apologists for the Palestinians - you know, those snuggable moslems who are trying to exterminate the Jews in Israel and replace it with an islamic state?

I think we all know who the real bigots are, don't we? I swear, liberals are just the worst hypocrits.



nanc said...

as i said before, i defer all thunder to you, but He is my G-d...the only favor i ask is that i may share Him...take what you want, but want all you take - refills free - 24/7 buffet - we don't even close on kwaanza, yom kippur, ramadan, easter, christmas, mlkd, halloween, u.n. day, thanksgiving, rosh hoshanah, fourth of july...

nanc said...

ok kuhnkat, but only if we may plant a tree on that day.

here in the south we have all those signs outside churches with little catch phrases and one of the best i've heard was in one of my children's books:

"welcome, sinners only"

kuhn - i believe madze would say to you as he's said to me, "love the sinner - hate the sin." it doesn't get much clearer than that. if my child lies to me, i could never think of hating them. there are too many people out their who want to do G-d's job regarding conviction and judgment.

of course homosexuality is ugly, if my husband cheated on me it would be just as ugly - the only way i could differentiate would be if he cheated on me with a man. now that would be ugly. thank G-d, 17 years in to this union, all is hot, but only because we each try to love G-d more than each other.

recommended reading: song of songs or song of solomon - enough to make the most seasoned spouse blush.

Mad Zionist said...


It is of course a falsehood to say religious conservatives hate gays. The point of separation between liberal denominations and conservative ones is that the conservatives say, "Love the sinner, hate the sin", while the liberal ones say, "Sin? What sin? All lifestyle choices are to be equally embraced without judgement."


Mad Zionist said...

Nanc, you know me oh too well...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how you treat Reform Jews, MZ. I am from a reform upbringing (though I'm unaffiliated now) and can tell you that the Reform movement is much more tolerant than the Orthodox. In Orthodox women and men can't even sit together at services while in Reform even openly Gay men and women can become Rabbis and get married.

The Relgious Right, whether it is Jewish, Christian or Muslim, is all the same - Intolerant and hateful towards women, gays and minorities.

nanc said...

well, you know me - i see nearly EVERYTHING from a biblical perspective. my only hope for anyone is that they see the err of their ways. i mean for crying out loud (i still don't know what that means) if i can see mine clearly on a daily basis, how hard can it be? there is no place in the kingdom of G-d for (and forgive me) pe+er puffers and cr@cksnackers (sorry, leftovers from growing up in a leftwing household). it's right there in red letters for even us dumb christians to see. i believe silence on any issue is agreement with the issue. stand up, be counted and knocked down if that is what happens; get back up and do it again - someone's going to get tired. i promise you it won't be me.

nanc said...

danadanabobanabobonehead - if we are so intolerant, why would you be allowed to come in here and tell us how intolerant we are? i'm so curious as to how that works. although i grew up in that nonsense, my well-above-average intelligent quotient has always told me there is something rotten in demoncratmark. splain yourself lucy dear.

nanc said...

danayouredundantnitwit - women, gays and minorities = redundancy.
dumb liberal = redundancy. need i go on? good-looking republican = redundancy. smart republican = redundancy.

we almost never even need to use a foul word to get a point across - as a matter of fact, single syllable words are best when dealing with braindead people of your sort.

Anonymous said...

OK nanc, here's my story: I found this website when I saw Madzionist's posts at other websites and found them to be interesting but very wrong. Nothing has changed with him since I came here, but I hope some of the rightwing extremists who post comments here might rethink their radical positions if they read something from a reasoned commenter of the center-left..

We can only hope.

nanc said...

tell us exactly what is wrong yet interesting. have you taken the political compass test dana? go here, take it and come back with your results, because i scored barely center left:

i had to go kick a cat to get center! just kidding. take it and see. you see, most of us here feel that if you do not stand strongly for something you will fall for a lie.

Mad Zionist said...

Dana (aka Sweet Cheeks),

You seem to be defending the Reform movement pretty fervently, yet you claim to be "unaffiliated" now. Please explain.

While your at it, please tell me of any Orthodox women you know of who feel discriminated against or disrespected. I live in an Orthodox community and can tell you first hand that women are given the highest of respect by the men and there is virtually no gender discontent.

Or do you measure respect by how much money a man will stuff in a stripper's garter?


nanc said...

one more thing, if i may interject madze...i, being one of the few women to post here have yet to feel discriminated against and feel the utmost of respect from the "guys". i welcome opposing viewpoints until they become of a hatefilled threatening manner.

for now, i will apologize for calling dana names, but i am not above defending ALL i hold dear. i should not have stooped to the level of my opponents.

Mad Zionist said...

Kev, I disagree with one small point you make. I consider political ideology to be circular rather than linear. Now, think of the ideology clock with 12 as maximum Liberalism and 6 as maximum conservativism.

As one moves from liberal 12 to the right towards six he becomes gradually more conservative, with the 3 being the center line between a conservative and a liberal. As a liberal moves past the 3 to four and beyond he becomes more and more conservative until maxing out at the 6.

However, if one keeps ticking past the 6 he begins creaping back closer to the left again, and so on and so on.

Let's look at the extremes of left and right as defined by the MSM. Hitler Germany's National Socialist Party is often labeled as the symbol of maximum rightwing ideology, while Soviet Russia is considered the maximum example of leftist ideology.

But, yet, the two are profoundly many ways barely distinguishable.

The reason for this is once you pass certain boundaries you fly by your path and into the home of the opposition.

Take Pat Buchanan, Lew Rockwell and Cindy Sheehan, for example. The three are symbols of what many consider extremes of opposite ideologies, and yet, they became indestinguishable from one another during Red Cindy's antiwar protests.

Another example is bay area flaming homosexual, Dennis Raimondo, who operates the radical blog, "", but has somehow joined together poltically with George Galloway, Buchanan and Rockwell.

You see, Kev, once one passes a certain time on the political clock they meet together, in this case Buchanan, Sheehan, Rockwell and Raimondo all come together at the liberal "12".

However, all can sometimes come together at the conservative "6", too. Look at how one time liberals Ed Koch, Ron Silver are aligned with arch conservatives Rush Limbaugh, Carl Rove, Dick Cheney and Madzionist.

Freedomnow said...


While I agree with you that religious conservatives discriminate against gays and in some cases women...

...your comment of racial intolerance is way off base. Although it would apply to extreme cases like the Aryan church, those organizations are no where near the mainstream of the religious right and are primarily racist organizations seeking to exploit religion for its own purposes.

This accusation reveals that you are an extremist as well.

Also MZ's point was valid that religious conservatives do not advocate similar anti-Homosexual policies as Hitler did.

nanc said...

freedomnow - i am a christian and have never discriminated against a gay. as a matter of fact, i have gone to bat for a lesbian friend of mine in a workplace lawsuit. maybe you mean radical left christians?

nanc said...

kuhnkat - "personal and societal suicide", but you were on the right track. spot on all other points. although if someone came to me for a desk job and they had to greet the public with every orifice pierced and all bared skin tattooed, i believe i would "discriminate", but only for my own good. that, of course is a whole other ballgame.

Freedomnow said...


My apologies to you or any other conservative Christians who I may have offended.

Unfortunately, there are alot of bigots out there and some of them are conservative Christians.

Without a doubt the worst bigots against homosexuals are Muslim. Islamic countries incorporate their bigotry into law and actively persecute them.

That is why Israel is a safe haven for Muslim homosexuals. That Nazi police state of Israel is the most progressive and democratic country of the Middle East.

nanc said...

kuhnkat - there are only mental scenes from the BOOK - so if their minds are tattooed, that should be okay, remember: make you no idols. and barbells in the tongue, please if they could get through an interview with me rolling on the floor in pain, with my fingers in my ears, losing my lunch, then maybe...

oh freedomnow - you can only offend me if you personally attack a member of my family. i don't usually take generalities personally. but i do like the air cleared on some things. words chosen carefully are easier to hear.