Friday, November 11, 2005

Babs Seeking Bush Impeachment

Worldnetdaily is reporting today that radical leftwing activist Barbara Streissand is calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush. The mind numbing list of reasons she has for taking such action include:

  • He caused global warming
  • Hurricane Katrina
  • Removing Saddam Hussein prematurely
  • Potential indictments that might someday be made against unnamed Bush advisors

Barbara sure seems to have an ironclad case against the president. I wonder if he'll just opt to resign now rather than face such a slam-dunk impeachment trial? To make matters worse, Barbara has threatened that if she doesn't get her way she will subject the Republicans in congress to viewing the release of her latest project, "Yenta: Part 2".

No Republican congressmen were willing to comment on this disturbing development, but MZ has learned that off the record many indicated they would impeach their own mothers rather then having to watch such a horrifying film. Also, one high ranking official claimed it's not yet clear if having to sit through "Yenta: Part 2" would be considered a torture violation of the Geneva convention.



nanc said...

is it my imagination or does everyone of her ilk suck the air right out a room upon entry? babs - "SHUT UP AND SING"!!! i thought she was retired.

i read this article, the al franken article, the george clooney article - i wish they would have the audacity to come talk to some of us in this forum. heaaaaay - if these three got together they could be called the "freakin frankenstreisand cloonaticks" - i might even go see them - naaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.

Mad Zionist said...

See why I pull my hair out in the previous posting, Madzionist's Plight?

Self-loathing Jews are just brutal.


nanc said...

i wasn't referring to jews - i was referring to know-it-all actors! but, yes, self-loathing anyones are a force to be reckoned with - is george cloonatick jewish? i picture him as someone who worships only his mirror!

Mad Zionist said...

Self-loathing moslems might not be so bad.

nanc said...

self loathing loathers loathing that's something i may be able to understand.

Anonymous said...

I think "BABS" should quit singing, acting and politics. She's the friggin worst.

Freedomnow said...

I second Michael's opinion. With enemies like this, who needs to respond to their accusations?

They rebutt themselves with their own illogical nonsense.

What they are really trying to do is impeach the truth and rational thought.

nanc said...

i like what bernard goldberg said about her, something to the effect that "barbra people who need people are not the luckiest people in the world". no rationale. too full of themselves to recognize the truth.

nanc said...

p.s. michael - please post some here when you see us getting maudlin over something - thanx.

oh, and good shabbos everyone.

nanc said...

"people, people who need people
are the most self-pitying, disgusting, liberal, hateful, needy, amoral, immoral, shameful, not to mention ugly
people in the world."

Anonymous said...

I like where Yentl has her mansion.
Hopefully the next earthquake will dump it into the ocean while she's in it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh MZ! Who needs stand-up comics when the lefties provide so much material for free?