Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Concessions to Whom? I've had it!

The Left just doesn't get it. Besides seriously jeopardizing Israeli security by giving up land in repeatedly unreciprocated "good will gestures", the philosophy that Israel can expect a peace to emerge somehow from these magnanimous offerings is utterly boneheaded. Liberals just don't get Islam, or else they don't take it seriously, or else they are in denial, or whatever...The point is, Jihad will be waged continuously no matter how many times dhimmis capitulate, and giving away valuable territory and destroying Jewish towns and cities will not exactly make them back off.

In the recent terrorist elections of Judea and Samaria we see just how idiotic the lefwing, moronic idea that we should force Israel to cave into further withdrawals really is. Among the many full blown terrorist radicals who were elected by the putrid moslem rabble, the most notable are Jamal Abu Al-Rub, a leader of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades who is affectionately known as "Hitler" by Arabs for his willingness to publicly butcher anyone suspected of befriending the Jews, and convicted terrorist Marwan Barghouti, who is serving multiple life terms in Israeli prison for planning suicide bombings and shooting attacks against Jewish civilians. He is also credited with being the one most responsible for launching the second intifada.

Many on the Left have been calling to release him from prison so he can help lead the next generation of 'Palestinians' to a brighter future, as they think this "good will gesture" would truly be appreciated by the moslem vermin giving peace a chance.

How friggin stupid those on the left are for agreeing to give land to such people, the Jewish Holy Land, to Israel's mortal enemies, is beyond comprehension. It is critical to get the liberal dolts the hell out of office and bring in the only party that has a clue about how to deal with the moslem scum: The National Union and Benny Elon's POPULATION TRANSFER plan for a real peace!

In other words, let's just get the 'Palestinians' out of Israel already, and stop the canard that we can have a peaceful Palestinian State within the pre-1967 borders. They are terrorist jihadi filth which will only assemble greater terrorism and threats to Israel's existence if given this option, and those of us who know better must speak out!

I seriously want to go to Israel and vote...if I could only afford it. Not that I want to ask for anything, but whatever you guys donate to my website will be dedicated to getting my butt to Israel so I can help vote the concessionists out of office and bring to power Benny Elon's National Union Party. If I don't raise enough to get there myself I will forward every penny to his election efforts.




nanc said...

oh madze, short of aliyah, you must go vote. i pledge $100.00 or more based on my dear husband's bonus this year - although we do not bank on it, his boss has proven to be quite generous in the past. of course you must put some sand from israel in your pockets and throw it to the wind when you get back! i'd be interested to see how this goes in the next couple of months. keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

MZ, are you an Israeli citizen? If so, you can probably vote from the U.S. or anywhere overseas.

Mad Zionist said...

I will mail some land to your house, God willing, nanc...

nanc said...

have you seen this site, madze?:


nanc said...

madze, i'd rather have a mudcaked shoe to put in the face of every muslim i come into contact with!

Mad Zionist said...

Surfer, no I am not an Israeli citizen. It is my understanding, though, that if a Jew stays in Israel the week prior to the elections he has the right to vote.

Anyone know otherwise?

nanc said...

i found this site:


it is american zionist and they have voting rules, faq's, and the like. perhaps you could get some answers there. as far as absentee voting. my previous post has a site which states only certain israeli's may vote. don't know, but will keep looking.

Mad Zionist said...

Kuhnkat, if you click on the icon on the right side of the website you'll see how to donate. Thank you for inquiring!

Anonymous said...

Interesting...I didn't know that. I was in Israel for a couple weeks this past summer, but unfortunately no election occurred then.

Anonymous said...

MZ, The Left gets it all right - it is we who cannot accept the fact that the Left wants the death and destruction of everything good, everywhere, even though it will eventually mean their own extermination as well.

Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand to understand how the Left mind works. I don't like Rand's "Reverse-harem syndrome", but apart from that, the story is quite an eye-opener.

Anonymous said...

How could anyone support you trying to get the Palestinians thrown out of their homes. You think it's ok to just expel innocent Arabs because they aren't Jewish? How closed minded can you get. This "Plan" you speak of is more of a final solution, and as a Jew you should know better.

Compromise is the definition of friendship, so my guess is that you and your fascists here don't have too many of them.

nanc said...

ohhhhhhhhhhh dana, i may have to take my adoptive grandparent's jewish name (which is my birth name) and go to israel with madze myself now. you little tofu fartin' fairy, you've gone and done it. my husband has been wanting to send me to israel for some time and i may have to go now. don't push the nanc buttons.

nanc said...

p.s. i'll bring back my own muddy shoe to knock you in the head with!

Mad Zionist said...

Dana, your arguments are so shallow and juvenile it is hardly worth acknowledging. Please, I beg you, rethink your response before I make you look like a total moron...although it may be too late to change that impression.

Anonymous said...


You know when they resort to empty meaningless drivel such as "your arguments are so shallow and juvenile it is hardly worth acknowledging. Please, I beg you, rethink your response before I make you look like a total moron" that you're doing something right.


I wouldn't go booking my flights just yet if I were you. It would appear that only Israeli citizens are eligible to vote -> http://tinyurl.com/7v744

Mad Zionist said...

David, unfortunately I've been told you are right about the voting, but that won't stop me from devoting all I can to Benny Elon's election and the complete removal of the "Palestinians" from Eretz Yisroel.

Regarding Dana, I see you keep poor company...Sorry to here that. Hopefully this website will help unindoctrinate you.

Anonymous said...

David, glad to see there is someone else at this insanely right wing site who gets it. Maybe we can somehow get through to these radical right wackos that the Palestinians have as much right to the land as Jews. That tolerance and good will gestures to the long suffering Palestinians is much more effective than nationalist egomania.

Hope to see more of you as I'm usually rather alone out here.

Anonymous said...


the day we succeed will probably be a cold day in hell. Till then I'll see you here :)


of course you will. I look forward to your "unindoctrination". I'm sure coupled with the unfolding of the various current Republican party/Bush administration scandals that it will make for great entertainment over the next few months.

nanc said...

alright david - madze is my name for madze, got it? are you a christian or a jew? muslim? as far as i know, athiests do not believe in hell or heaven as they do not believe in a creator. how do you know there are not cold days there? i'm sure you'll know soon enough - just a guess.

Mad Zionist said...

David and Dana,

Are you really expecting to be taken seriously in your attempts to garner sympathy for terrorists and criminals here? Oy, liberals are such gluttons for punishment.

Let me just offer this one word of warning, however, before it goes too far: I don't have a problem with people coming and giving opposition views, no matter how laughable it may be, but you must maintain civility at all times or your comments will go "POOF" in the night. Meivin? (hebrew for "capice?")

Otherwise, I, unlike the liberal and moslem vermin you associate with, will continue to welcome opposition views here.


nanc said...

i liked harpo kuhn - strong silent type, that way i can use all the words i want without interruption!!!

remember all the charlie brown cartoons where when the adults spoke, it sounded like "whaaaah whaaaah whaaaah whaaaah whaaaaah wha whahhhhh"? well, that is what we sound like to davidana - what we say goes straight through that empty space between their ears clean through the other side, only to be lost in the atmosphere. back to square one - i tell you it's like buying them books, sending them to school and they eat the teacher - i don't believe in hopelessness, but those two give it a good run for the money.

Anonymous said...


the cold day in hell remark was a reference to the idiom "hell freezing over". It was meant as a joke. Jokes are allowed here right? My religious beliefs are irrelevant. I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that you had exclusive rights to use the moniker "Madze". Please accept my deepest apologies and know that it won't happen again. As witty as I'm sure you find the name "davidana", I'd really prefer you call us by our real names.


I have every intention of being civil. Why would I bother coming here to argue if in the end I just let myself down with some immature derogatory remark? I hope however that your call for civility will extend to all who frequent this site and not just those that oppose your viewpoint.

Mad Zionist said...

Then welcome aboard David, and don't worry, I try very hard to keep all crude and uncivilized discourse down to a fair minimum. Just remember, the host can't help but get more annoyed by dissenting crudeness than concurring crudeness! Human nature, I guess.


nanc said...

well, david, what madze said, but just so you know - i think he has his favorites already, so don't go trying to take dana's place and as for me, i'll be 8>{ you.