Monday, January 30, 2006

Jewish Nationalists Fight Back

The religious Zionists are not going to go down without a fight this time. Unlike the peaceful, easy expulsion the IDF enjoyed in Gaza, things will get real, real nasty if and when the Israeli concessionist government attempts to have the Jews of Judea and Samaria ethnically cleansed.

This from Arutz Sheva:

The phenomenon intensified this evening with hundreds of youth seen at any given time lining the roads from Jerusalem to Ofra/Amona waiting to hitch rides.

The town of Ofra, adjacent to Amona, has turned its many educational institutions and public buildings into dining and sleeping facilities for the estimated ten thousand youth who have already arrived there. At present, popular Jewish rock singer Aharon Razael is giving a concert atop the hill of Amona."

I have never seen this many people in Ofra ever," said Ofra resident Rachel. "Everywhere you turn, there are packs of youth and activists walking in different directions, setting up to spend the night. There is a steady flow of cars entering the town from all over the country even at this late hour."
Amona, of course, has been scheduled for demolition this week by concessionist Israeli PM Ehud Ohlmert. The reason? Nine new homes were built on the settlement which the Israeli left has ordered frozen to any further expansion.

The war for Israel's survival will ultimately not be fought against Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad, Hizbullah, or any other filthy moslem terror organization. Nope. The war will be fought between the secular concessionists on the left and the religious Zionists on the right, because we are quickly seeing that the Land ain't big enough for the both of them to co-exist, and there can only be one path or the other which may be followed.

The Left wants to give up land and consolidate Israel into ever shrinking pockets of liberal Jews. They are banking on the arabs moderating at some point, ultimately being satisfied with a nation of Tel Aviv where gay/lesbian/transgender Jews can publicly display their deviant sexuality in peace.

The right just wants to go about expelling the dirty islamic scum from Eretz Yisroel and establishing an Israel based on Torah, mitzvos, and a Jewish lifestyle. God willing, they will succeed in this rightous mission, and all of us will benefit from these modern day Maccabes making Israel good in God's eyes once again.



Anonymous said...

MZ: while I don't have much hope left, I admire the courage of the religious Jews.

nanc said...

don't say that a.i. - if we were stripped of everything - hope is all we find we have.