Thursday, January 05, 2006

Doctors: Sharon's return to office impossible

Though he's still alive as of this writing, Mr. Sharon's tenure as the State of Israel's Prime Minister is now finished. Sharon's doctors confirmed this news in an announcement a few minutes ago, saying that his return to office will be "impossible".

Sharon, who last night suffered a massive stroke and severe brain hemorrhaging, is still unconscious and paralyzed on the right side of his body as of this writing. He will remain completely completely sedated for another 24-48 hours, though his heart is beating independently.

Ehud Olmert, Sharon's closest political ally and second in command, has taken the oath of office in Sharon's absence. What will become of the Kadima Party which Sharon formed last month remains uncertain.



nanc said...

tried to e-m this to madze, but the page wouldn't go through. seems some religious jews "shas" (sp) cursed sharon a few months back, i remember hearing about it in some circles, but never really placed much stock in curses of THAT kind:

geez madze, the jews have more sects than the baptists!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys Pat Robertson has the traitor Foxman's panties in a wad lol.\Culture\archive\200601\CUL20060105b.html

Gotta love that ole bible thumper.
I wish Catholic leaders had his cajones.

nanc said...

G-d would never consent to the division of israel under ANY circumstances.

they put my own father into a coma the last hours of his life.

nanc said...

well, i've found max friedman and have invited him over - pray he comes. he'll like it here if we talk about mel brooks' "young frankenstein". think "eyegore"!

Mad Zionist said...

Nanc, Shas is not a sect, it is a political party in Israel like Likud or Labor. It is made up of Ultra-Orthodox Sefardic Jews. The Rabbi who is the spiritual leader of that party, Rabbi Yosef, has been known to say some outrageous things in his old age.

However, it is not outrageous to acknowledge the fact that Sharon has been struck down just a couple of months after expelling the Jews from Gaza and delivering it to the moslems.

Make of it what you will.

Anonymous said...

MZ, Jan V, Nanc: God is taking too long to get on with the real business : )

nanc said...

i really do not believe sharon will make it through the weekend.

thanks for the info madze - you are a wealth of information! good shabbos.

a.i. - i am waiting for the burden of damascus to take place! then we'll see the fit hit the shan.