Friday, July 22, 2005

Rice, Sharon Meet

Ariel Sharon met with Condy Rice today in Israel, and over a long brunch discussed the upcoming pogrom against the Jews in Gaza. Rice was again praising Sharon's odious plan to evict the Jews and bulldoze their homes, synagogues and cemeteries, telling Sharon it is going to really jump start the peace process. PA leader, Mahmoud Abbas, was also praised by Rice for all of his promises to be a really good guy if the Jews continue retreating and expelling fellow Jews
out of their homes and into DP camps.

In other related news, the IDF re-affirmed the plans to blow up the synagogues and exhume the bodies from the cemeteries in Gaza after the Jews have been herded out at gunpoint. Surely every soldier dreamed as a child of being able to someday round up and expel fellow Jews from their homes and destroy the synagogues and cemeteries as part of a "good will gesture" to jihadist moslems. Stomachs have got to be turning at the thought of this mission.

As we've seen, the plan to ethnically cleanse the Jews from Gaza/Northern Samaria is growing increasingly unpopular within the military, and yesterday former IDF Intelligence chief, Yaacov Amidror said flatly, "There is no military advantage to leaving Gaza. You lose control on the ground, the ability to conduct intelligence operations and to stage ground efforts into Gaza City and Khan Yunis. You let Hamas and Islamic Jihad have a safe haven to launch terrorist actions from and in which to grow their terror apparatus."

This repudiation of the expulsion plan is one of the harshest to date, and further reveals how flimsy and unsubstantiated the left's assertion is that the retreat somehow helps Israeli security. The plot thickens...



Anonymous said...

The Jews should withdraw. Why the Arabs should be forced to live under Israeli occupation?


Globe Warmer said...

If Hitler were alive today, he would be happy, and saying "what good brownshirts. All we need is some glass store front windows."

Globe Warmer said...

MIzzzzzzzz Rice,
So bright, but yet so fucking stupid!

Read the M.F history books.

We should not be kissing the Palestinian (false nation) ass!

We should be telling them what their options are (which are very few).

Anonymous said...

regarding strategy behind withdrawal...maybe?