Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Leftist Church vs. Israel

I am annoyed. The Left just keeps pounding Israel and the Jews from every angle and I'm fed up with it. Liberal apologists keep saying the Right is really, really anti-Semitic: Remember Hitler! How about that Pat Robertson! What about Jerry Falwell!? Yada...yada...yada...

The time has now come for me to simply tell all of you with these words at the tips of your tongues: BULL SHIT!!! YOU ARE FLAT WRONG AND I'M FED UP WITH YOUR OBSTINANCE!!!

Whew...needed that.

The United Church of Christ (UCC), which is really The United Church of Liberalism, decided this week that, as advocates of gay rights, they will now recognize gay/lebian/transgender marriage and, while they're at it, announce a boycott of Israel in support of Palestinian rights for good measure.

Look, the UCC is just a front for the advancement of fundamentalist liberalism, and their boycott of Israel, which also includes a campaign to have the separation wall torn down, is part of the unholy alliance between liberalism and islam, but all the liberal Jews who seem utterly blinded by the Left STILL think the religious right is out to get them and the liberal left is there to help them. I am just blown away by this stupidity, of course, as the Evangelicals generously poor boat loads of money, tourism and political support to Israel, while the "Peacenik Left" GIVES IT TO THE DAMN *PHALESTINS!!!

I defy any of you Lefties reading this board to challenge my assertions. Of course, you can't because I'm right and you're wrong, and that is that. The totalitarian Left is bound and determinined to keep the charade of tolerance going as long as you'll keep buying it. Stop buying it and think for yourselves, you fools!!

The Churches on the left hate us, but you self-loathers like them anyway, while the Churches on the Right are supporting us 100%, yet you despise them. Wake up you morons!! (SLAP!) Get over it!! (SLAP!, SLAP) Get your head out of your ass!!! (SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!)

Take it from the Madman himself: this Leftist dhimmitude you are addicted to is madness.


*Phalestins is the arab mispronunciation of "palestinians".


Anonymous said...

How do you really feel, MZ? You're a bit riled up today and I love it! Keep nailing them to the wall, I say.

Mad Zionist said...

Thanks, Carolyn. I fight that fight with passion. Any friend of Israel is a friend of mine, and there is no better friends we have than the Christian Right. It means a lot to me that you said this.