Friday, July 08, 2005

"Palestinians" hit jackpot

Ok, let me get this straight. The moslems blow up the subway in London, killing over 50 people, all in the name of islam and allah, so the G-8 decides to immediately announce $3 billion in aid to the friggin "palestinian" moslems, who, in the name of islam try killing the Jews every single day of the year.

Madness? You tell me. Come on, how the hell can the world be so goddamn blind and stupid. I shudder with disgust as leaders of the western world get together for "appease the moslems" conferences, designed to fund the same terrorism they feebly condemn without any credibility.

How about this comparison: "The NAZIS today blew up a busload of kids in Brittain, therefore we are going to condemn these actions in the harshest possible way, and also anounce our pledge of 3 billion dollars to the "Death to the Jews Society."

Sick. Just sick.

How hard is it to say the words "War on Jihad". I know the PC crowd will never say "War on Islam" as it should be, but why not "Jihad"? That shouldn't be too controvercial, should it? I mean, what the hell do we care if we offend the jihadis (i.e. all moslems). The problem is we have a bunch of spineless cowards in charge who don't have the balls to call a spade a spade, so they keep playing the BS game, and then, just to add insult to injury, offer the mother f-ers 3 billion dollars!! Incredible.

The Madzionist has some crazy advice for all these world "leaders":

STOP APPEASING ISLAM. (slap!) IT DOESN'T WORK!! (slap! slap!)



Anonymous said...

The money was to remind them to keep the blowning up of buses in the middle east


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you about how leaders need to stop being PC when it comes to Islam. After the attack in England, some news program only talked about how "those poor muslims died." Pfft. All of Great Britain needs to get rid of the effing muslims, but they wouldn't because that would not be PC.

Anonymous said...

Earth to 'Madzionist' - I take it you HAVE done your homework, and ARE aware that the actual word 'Islam' is derived from an Arabic word meaning 'peace' right?

You're no better than the extremists who ATTEMPTED to put a chokehold on our city -- you're exactly the type of narrowminded bigot we don't need here in London.

Please -- keep your ass in the US.


Mad Zionist said...


Apparantly YOU need to do your homework, sweetie. The word "islam" actually means "submission to God." The element of Peace is merely to emphasize that complete surrender to God gives one peace.

Tip of the day, Deannie, my dear: Prozac. Take two doses at night before bed and lay off the islam for awhile. It's messing with your head.


Joshua said...

little tip for DO realize that the creator of islam )mohammed) murdered scores of innocent people, no? how could we ever argue a religion created by a murderer could ever be peaceful at its core/roots? that's beyond wishful thinking.

not all muslims are bad people...but you DO have to worry about people who worship a god created in the mind of a mass murderer such as mohammed. if someone came forward and started the ted bundy religion, youd think they were insane...but with mohammed (who killed far more people!), its a totally different standard. PC nonsense gone crazy.