Friday, February 17, 2006

Olmert orders extermination of Jewish community in Hebron

This from Worldnet Daily:

JERUSALEM – Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has directed Israeli forces to evacuate within days a small Jewish enclave alongside the biblical city of Hebron in the West Bank and to use all force necessary during the evictions, security officials told WorldNetDaily.

The order follows Olmert's announcement this week his administration will seek to withdraw from most of the West Bank, which borders major Israeli cities and the country's international airport. Olmert's directions fueled speculation by critics the Israeli official is carrying out isolated evictions of settlers as a tactic to win leftist votes ahead of next month's elections.

"Olmert knows he will not have the right wing votes. He already has the center. Now he has to flex his muscles against the settlers before the elections to show leftists and extreme leftists he can carry out the Kadima platform of an Israeli withdrawal," charged Israeli nationalist lawmaker Benny Elon

Jews have lived in nearby Hebron – home to the Tomb of the Patriarchs, believed to be the resting place of biblical patriarchs and matriarchs – almost continuously for over 2,500 years. It is considered the oldest Jewish community in the world.

Olmert will seek to do what no other enemy has been able to do since the time of King David: exterminate the Jewish presence in Hebron. Congratulations, you miserable anti-Semite.



nanc said...

he needs to go, madze - and the sooner the better - if time would only pass more quickly to elections. my prayers are always with you and israel and HER people.

now, i've got to go throw some more coals on the hell fire!

good shabbos to you in light of the events of the day.

nanc said...

have you seen this, madze? i found it through fpm war blog:

what a huge crock of fecal matter these muslims are!