Monday, February 13, 2006

Education Minister: "Amona Jews are evil"

As I've been saying all along, the current government of Israel is anti-Semitic. It is devoted to persecuting Jewish civilians who are doing NOTHING except for being Jewish and living in Judea. How is this an evil offense? Is it evil for an Englishman to live in England? An Italian to live in Italy? Ridiculous.

( Education and Transportation Minister Meir Shitrit (Kadima, formerly of Likud), told students on a visit to a school in Bet El yesterday that the residents of Amona and their supporters were evil.

Shitrit responded to a girl who read him a letter relating to the events at Amona. The girl asserted that “G-d punishes evil doers.”

Shitrit interrupted the girl and exclaimed angrily, “whom exactly are you referring to by the word ‘evil’?”

“Who settled illegally in Amona? Who’s evil?” continued Shitrit. “In other words, you’re the evil one,” Israel’s Education Minister proclaimed to the young girl.
Is that the education minister of Israel talking or is it the education minister of Hamas? I look at the Israeli government, I look at Hamas, and I cannot tell one from the other anymore.



nanc said...

madze - i think one of your trolls got loose and is posing as john brown at autonomist - he's a hateful cuss - doesn't have the brains G-d gave a mite. he hates plaut and lets it be known in no uncertain terms.

nanc said...

p.s. madze - you made blog of the day at solidsurfer AGAIN! just so you know - yours is my blog of each and every day, well, yours and freedomnow's.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to the government to beat up little girls and then scream at them later. That makes everything much better.

Mad Zionist said...

Nanc, thanks!!!!