Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Israeli forces raid Shomron Elementary

The Israeli special unit police are working overtime to protect Israel from...Jewish elementary school children?

The fact that Kassam rockets are raining down on Jews every day from the terrorist moslems, or that the Palestinian Jihad is being fortified with weapons from the open borders with Egypt and Syria as I type, is apparently of no interest or concern to the Israeli military. After all, they've got those 6 year old Jewish kids to push around.

No, I'm not kidding.

Some 20 special-unit Yassam policemen and another 10 regular policemen descended upon an elementary school in Itamar, in the Shomron, on Sunday. They threatened children by loudspeaker, caused children to cry, entered a classroom and took pictures, and kept students closed up in their classrooms for a half-hour - because of a rock allegedly thrown at a police jeep earlier in the day.

The principal of the school, Rabbi Nitzan Yamin, described to Arutz-7 the chain of events: "A police jeep drove down a road here in Itamar, which has elementary school classes on one side and a yeshiva high school on the other. I asked what they were doing, and they said that someone with a black shirt had thrown a rock at them. We agreed that I would go and check and return in a few minutes. They didn't wait for me, however; they left - and came back ten minutes later with four jeeps and another van, with a total of about 20 Yassamniks and 10 other policemen.

"They started running up and down and into the classrooms and in between the rooms and into the school yard, scaring all the children and yelling at them. They also went into the 7th grade and took pictures of the children. There were kids 6 and 7 years old, crying and scared. Some kids started to run away, and the police yelled over a megaphone that they would break their heads. None of them were wearing name tags...

"They came here to scare the children, and they succeeded. I told all the children to return to their classes, and told the children to lock their doors. I told the police I would make sure that everyone stayed in their rooms - but the police remained there for a full half-hour to make sure that no one left. Then they finally left themselves."

What more can I say? The Israeli forces have chosen who they must fight, and it's the 2nd grade of Shomron Elementary.



Anonymous said...

It's never too early to make kids understand that the law is the law and that the religious indoctrinators are not to be trusted. Israel must beat down the Orthodox zionists once and for all before they destroy the State.

Mad Zionist said...

oy, she's back? Actually, I'm starting to think Ehud Olmert is Dana!

nanc said...

dana is a minion of satan - one of the one-third which were cast out of the presence of G-d. she's just mad because she knows the end of the story and can do no thing to change it. funny how people get crazy over things they cannot change!

morning to the madze household!

Anonymous said...

Nanc, I see your arguments are as lame as ever. Get your face out of your bible and join the real world.

nanc said...

the bible is my favorite place to put my face, dana - perhaps that's why I'VE found soooooo much love in this mean old world. try it you may find love too! XOXOXOXO