Sunday, March 26, 2006

Part 2 - The U.S. Lobby and Israel Foreign Policy

In Part 1, Jews Control America, MZ masterfully ridiculed the lunacy of the paranoid Jewish conspiracy study: The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, by Harvard's Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer.

In Part 2, I will explain why the relationship between America and Israel is actually closer to being the very opposite of what Walt and Mearsheimer were accusing "the Jews" of doing to America. I am ingeniously entitling it: The U.S. Lobby and Israel Foreign Policy.

While America is undeniably Israel's closest ally, what exactly is the nature of the relationship? Certainly the U.S. has given Israel a tremendous amount of foreign aid over the years, but at what cost to Israel's sovereignty? A closer look at this relationship reveals just how powerfully America has influenced Israel's policies, and how this affect has often been contrary to what would actually be in the Jewish State's best interests.

Why, for example, is Israel so beholden to America's permission before taking action against her enemies? When the Palestinians commit acts of terror Israel is always forced to jump through hoops to make sure the U.S. approves of their response. What other country that gets regularly attacked by their enemies has to defer to someone else for permission to defend themselves?

The answer is nobody. No other country in the world has sacrificed so much of their right to defend themselves and their people as Israel. All of the high tech weaponry and military superiority doesn't mean bupkis if you aren't allowed to use it. Israel is completely subservient to the American Lobby's desires on virtually every military move they wish to make.

Let's look at some historical examples of how Israel has suffered as a result of the all-powerful American lobby.

First, Jimmy Carter in 1978 strong-armed Israel's Menachem Begin into making horrible concessions to Egypt's Anwar Sadat. Clearly taking Egypt's side in the negotiations, Carter forced Israel to give away the Sinai, or 91% of the land they had one in the 1967 6-day war. Losing Sinai was a critical strategic defeat for Israel, not to mention the roughly 8,000 Jews who were forcibly expelled from their homes.

In addition, they gave up Sinai's Alma Oil fields, that were found and developed completely by Israel after 1967, to Egypt without any compensation. Almo was providing over $100 billion per year in oil revenue, which would have allowed Israel to eventually become completely oil independent.

So, what has Egypt done to show their friendship? They've funded terrorism; they've taught blood libels like Protocals of the Elders of Zion in their schools; their Muslim Brotherhood spawned Hamas which then declared the Intifada in 1987; they do not keep an embassy in Israel, and, of course, they have smuggled millions of tons of weapons to terrorists through Gaza.

Of course, many analysts point to all of that juicy US aid Israel gained in the concession deal with Egypt. Fine and dandy, but has that money been good for Israel? Well, yes and no.

Yes, Israel receives approximately $3 billion dollars per year from the U.S., which is extremely beneficial on so many levels, but Egypt does, too. What people fail to mention when discussing the Israel deal is that Egypt is guaranteed equal funding to Israel just by "promising" (wink/nod) to recognize Israel. Egypt chants death to America every day on government run TV, but still gets all that cash - guaranteed.

Running down a brief list of other examples when injury was caused to Israel by the demands of the US Lobby: Israel was forced by the US to allow the PLO and Yassir Arafat return to Israel from his banishment; was not permitted to respond militarily to Saddam Hussein's Scud Missile attacks during the first Gulf War; was forced to retreat from Hezbollah in Lebanon; was forced to stop settlement building in Judea and Samaria; was pressured to expel the Jews from Hebron; was coaxed to expel and destroy the entire Jewish community of Gaza, and is now being pressured to make all of Judea and Samaria Judenrein so that the arabs can build a terrorist state.

Also, let's not forget, America is directly providing hundreds of millions in aid to the Palestinian terrorists every year, plus billions more indirectly given through the UN and the UNRWA programs that directly fund the terrorists.

So you see, clearly the US Lobby is providing unwanted influence that often runs contrary to the best interests of Israel. The succor America gives comes with a very steep price, and the corrupt Israeli leaders can't seem to say no when the Pusher comes calling with demands.

The State of Israel sold her soul for US dollars a long time ago, but if you talk to the liberal buffoons of academia you'll hear a completely different tune. Ironically, the left should thank the Israeli politicians for taking all those handouts from the US, as it allows America to manipulate the Puppet State to dance for America's pragmatic needs every time it makes an offer Israel can't refuse.



orangeducks said...

Israel's only problem is that it is not big enough to support the bases and infrastructure needed to host an American Middle East invasion Army.

Other than that, I don't know why America continues to try and hold Israel back. Are we afraid that people will hate Israel? Guess what? People already DO!

The objective is to convince Arabs to stop killing Israelis. There are only two ways this can happen: 1) Arabs will start to like Israelis, or 2) Arabs will be too terrified to attack Israelis.

We should determine which of those options is more likely, and proceed. Since Arabs are incapable of liking or tolerating anyone who is different from them, I think that pretty much narrows down the options.

America should support every anti-Arab play made by Israel, since Arabs are source of problems in the world. Warm and squishy peacenicks will get their panties in a bunch as always, but I think they'll get over it after a century or two.

Then maybe a Jew could have a cup of coffee and read a paper in his own country without fear of being blown up.

Why is that so much to ask?


Anonymous said...

MZ: "manipulate the Puppet State to dance for America's pragmatic needs" - how do you mean pragmatic?!! The entire problem is that the US (controlled as it is by the self-hating leftists) has always done things against its own interests! A strong Israel is what the US (and the world, even the Arab world - paradoxical as it may sound) needs.

Orangeducks: "Everyone hates Israel" is a canard propagated by the leftist MSM - you would be heartened to hear that many non-jewish people who are under constant attack by the terrorists and are also perpetually being sold down the river by their dhimmi governments admire Israel.

Mad Zionist said...

Orangeducks, America holds Israel back because it's trying to appease the Arabs, particularly Saudi Arabia, for strategic and economic reasons. Yes, it is indeed a poor decision for both the US and Israel ultimately, but that's the way it is.

Mad Zionist said...

Infidel, there is no doubt you are correct that America is filled with a very large number of pro-Israel, anti-vermin people. However, America wants to hedge its bets by appeasing the Saudis and the greater moslem world, giving the impression that its "even-handed" while simultaneously supporting a strong ISrael.

This unwillingness to let Israel do with the vermin what needs to be done is not only America's fault, either. There are a sizable number of leftwingnuts in Israel who also seek appeasement and concessions.

My point is only that America is always pulling the strings to influence Israel not to take the tough measures necessary against the vermin like any other country would be entitled to take. This imposition has badly hurt Israel's security over the years and continues to today.

Anonymous said...

America is slaughtering Arab civilians by the thousands and you say they are "appeasing"? Israel is enslaving and killing Arabs on land that is rightfully theirs and you say they are the ones being oppressed? That upside-down world you live in is quite "Mad" indeed.

nanc said...

oh, if only...

nanc said...

p.s. madze - have you gotten a prescription for that "dripping" sarcasm yet?

o.t. did you catch that exchange between alec baldwin, sean hannity and mark levin? article at newsmax today.

Mad Zionist said...

Reality Check, you really are that stupid? Amazing how liberals see the victims as the criminals and the criminals as the victims. Perhaps it's more convenient to lump into your cartoonishly leftwing ideology that "Jews have it coming to them" when your Palestinian vermin friends blow them up in malls and on school buses, but that doesn't mean you have a brain in your head.

You are constantly making these idiotic posts about how the Jews are to blame for all the world's ills, which is interesting considering they are always the ones being killed by all the world's evil doers. May I suggest having your head surgically removed from your ass before you suffocate, "Reality Check"?

beakerkin said...

Reality Check

Arabs are not indigenous to Israel?
When do you want to start your colonialism clock. Sorry, you don't get to play games with facts.

MZ that was a quick catch on my blog with Anum's statement. She seems to like my blog for whatever reason. She does not like the Jihadi Toy company segways.

Now that Hassan and the Kick #$%#$ Mr Beamish action figure are in the Federal slammer who knows what is next.

nanc said...

beak - i think it's your face! what a hunk!

Anonymous said...

TIME FOR A CHANGE: A Review of "A Concubine in the Middle East: American-Israeli Relations"--by Lewis Lipkin

Anonymous said...

RM: Read the link you gave - although I am not a Jew, it made my blood boil (as usual). Why doesn't Israel make an alliance with a country like India (educated Indians respect and admire Israel - the uneducated masses don't know it exists)? Of course, the Indian political parties being the dhimmis they are, Israel may have to say something like "Be our friend or else ...". Thailand would be a good candidate too. Then there is Taiwan (that would get China's and by extension USA's goat very quickly).