Sunday, March 05, 2006

Kadima primed to ethnically cleanse Judea

Well, the cat is out of the bag now. Ehud Olmert, acting Prime Minister of Israel and head of the concessionist Kadima Party that's expected to win this month's national elections, will immediately execute a plan for the unilateral mass-expulsion of Jewish civilians living in Judea/Samaria once the elections are over - assuming Kadima heads the Israeli government as the polls consistently predict.

Olmert's fellow Kadima Knesset candidate Avi Dichter said to an audience while on the campaign trail Sunday that while Israel will, at least for now, retain some Green Line border Settlement blocs, virtually everything else Jewish in Judea/Samaria will be razed and handed over to Hamas as a unilateral concession to islamic terror once the new cabinet is set up following the elections.

This is the first time that such a plan has publicly and officially been declared by Kadima, though it's been clearly insinuated by Olmert (and Sharon before his stroke) since last summer's unilateral Gaza pogrom against the Gush Katif Jews - who still remain largely homeless and hungry since being expelled from their homes.

With confirmation of this plan, it appears likely that very soon Judea will indeed become completely Judenrein for the first time in 3,000 years.

The other two parties competing for the top spot in the elections, Likud and Labor, have also announced various plans to expel the Jews from Judea should they take power. What this means is that all of the Big Three parties in Israel have pre-recognized Judea as "Palestine" and seek to make it come to pass by force as soon as possible.

When a State is infected with liberalism and determined to commit suicide, who is to stop them from doing so? Unless the Israeli public wakes up, this self-mutilation must continue until Israel is completely destroyed as a totalitarian anti-Jewish State and reborn as a true Jewish State. The time will surely come, but only God knows when.



Anonymous said...

MZ: Nothing good will happen unless the IDF wakes up and stops obeying the traitorous politician masters. Unfortunately, I have grave doubts whether IDF cares enough.

Mad Zionist said...

Infidel, it is unlikely a large enough number of soldiers will refuse government orders to make a real difference. You never know what can happen, though, so we'll have to watch and see how it plays out.

nanc said...

madze - over the weekend while listening to the news, it seems olmert is making plans like he is going to remain in charge. what are his chances? is it about to get extremely ugly in the west bank? that is what it sounded like to me. personally, i'm just awaiting the iran debacle to be over and i mean over - boom over...

Mad Zionist said...

Nanc, his chances of being elected are very good. All the polls show him way ahead.

That said, the polls in Israel are almost always wrong, so who knows? Unfortunately, the top three parties are nearly identical in their desire to expel the Jews from Judea and Samaria.

The situation is bleak, nanc.

nanc said...

i'm glad to see you haven't forgot about us, you having no class now and all. i do not like bleak situations and the worse place to be is in a quandary. sometimes when people are too confident, as you remember joke kerry was, the tables turn. let's pray for the tables to turn. prostrate time.

nanc said...

madze - have you seen the article at autonomist "meet zionist ted hays"? you should go read it.

Mad Zionist said...

Nanc, class or no class I'll never forget about my blog friends.

nanc said...

well, i do know you have the right class - but i still like to tease about it! i am running out of class jokes though...