Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Madzionist: An Expulsion Essay

It's happening as I type. Jews throughout Gaza are one by one being forcibly pulled from their homes while they are crying and screaming with grief, anger and despair. "Why is this happening?" I keep asking myself. What could possibly be the reason to take 9,000 innocent people from their homes by force, round them up, and deport them into tent cities against their will?

The answer is the saddest answer. They have harmed nobody, they have attacked nobody, they have thrived economically, and they have committed no crimes, except one: They are Jews, and for that the world cannot forgive.

It's incredible really. Has a government ever rounded up its own citizens from a territory they won in war, and rightfully claim as their own ancestral homeland, and maliciously expelled them to please their sworn enemy? I can think of no other time in history. This is a precedent unheard of since the dawn of man, and one which will cast Jews worldwide into a more expendable, tenuous position.

'Too Expensive'

So, why again were they expelled? Sharon says it's too expensive to keep them.

Too expensive? The cost of expelling them is in the billions and will be many more times that when the relocation costs of the 9,000 or so who have been deported is factored in.

Too expensive? The 9,000 you have rounded up and deported were miracle workers, converting the "cursed land" the Arabs considered it to be, and making it into an agricultural paradise. Israel's economy will lose 20% of it's citrus exports by giving it back to the moslems.

Too expensive to keep the Jews in Gaza? How so? There's 9,000 new government dependent people on your hands who's professions are now gone for good. That'll be a pretty penny, no?

Besides, since when does a country expel their people and give away their land because they want to save money?

'Miltary Advantages'

So, if expelling Jews for money is really a sham, how about another reason? Sharon says it will be better strategically to cleanse Gaza of the Jews.

Better militarily is what sense, I wonder? The Jewish presence in Gaza had given the IDF a reason to establish a permanent military base there. In addition, Israel has been able to control the Philadelphi border with Egypt to prevent the weapons smuggling through tunnels into the terrorists hands.

Also, the Jewish communities there were very successful at avoiding problems with the moslem attackers. Very rarely did any of their rockets get through and hurt anybody, and they never successfully penetrated the settlements with suicide bombers.

Without a Jewish presence in Gaza what will be there to stop it from becoming a weapons dump for the arab world to attack Israel by? The consensus militarily assessment has been this move jeopardizes Israeli security and makes Green Line Israel more vulnerable to islamic attacks.

Finally, the moslems now have complete control of the Gaza coastline, which gives them a sea port from which to reinforce their military and launch naval attacks.

Besides, since when does a country retreat and deport their own citizens as a sign of military strength?

'Good Will Gesture'

So, it's not to save money and it's not to improve security. What the hell could it be, then? Sharon says it is a good will gesture to the Palestinians and allows them to have a land of their own. This, he says, will be incentive for arabs to become proud of their autonomous territory and stop terrorism.

Good will gesture? How many "good will gestures" do Jews need to give to the arabs (while receiving nothing but terrorism in return) before waking up to the fact that the moslems will only be satisfied when Israel is destroyed? Did giving away the Temple Mount bring Israel peace? Did Oslo? Will anything but giving away the whole lot appease these monsters?

Sharon is apparently under the spell of a leftist witch doctor. He somehow thinks that Israel will be better off with a full terrorist state, that exists solely for the destruction of Israel, being created on the Israeli southern border 35 miles from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem? Madness.

Besides, the moslems are already having massive "victory over Israel" parades in response to this retreat! They are wearing shirts and hats saying "today Gaza, tomorrow Jerusalem". Is this the sign of appreciation of a "good will gesture?"

So, if we are losing money, weakening our security and emboldening our enemy, what is the thinking? Why are we expelling Jews? To what purpose is this horrific act being implemented?

'International Opinion'

I don't believe Sharon is doing this because he's a self-loathing anti-Semite, though it is the only reason that seems to make any sense at this point. I believe Sharon has tasted power, lived amongst celebrity world leaders, and wants to make THEM happy. Europe has been beating the drum for Israel to flea from all territories won in the 1967 war, as has the UN and, to a large degree, the U.S.A. To them, Sharon has capitulated.

I have no doubt in my mind that if not for international pressure Sharon would never have done such a thing. He has clearly made the decision that Jews are more expendable than the opinion of Bush, Blaire and Chirac, so he has committed himself to trying to win them over by giving away Gaza as a "good will gesture" to the GREAT 8.

Yet, will the Euros, the UN, or even the USA ever think Israel has done enough? Will the Gaza expulsion change the Euro anti-Semites view of the Jewish State? Will America say that was enough concessions, Ariel, now you can annex the rest and seal off the borders? Of course not. Sharon will now have set the precedence of deporting 9,000 Jews from Gaza, why not keep deporting until all of the West Bank is Judenrein and Jerusalem is divided?

And what then? Will Israel be safer from terrorism? Will the Palestinians be a peaceful neighbor satisfied with their lot? Will the Euros be won over and side with Israel over the arabs? Will America be willing to remove all further demands from Israel? Hardly.

Oh, while we're at it, anyone ever heard of a little "good will gesture" known as "Right of Return?" Look out Yehudim, it's soon coming to a concession demand near you, and when it comes it may make the entire land Judenrein, which of course, still wouldn't be enough to please those who don't give a damn about the Jewish State.

This is indeed a sad day.

- MZ


Anonymous said...

Great essay Madman. You are correct: it is a sad day indeed.


Mad Zionist said...

Thanks, GG...I have a very hollow feeling in my heart right now.