Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Planned Parenthood Snuff Video

Planed Parenthood of San Francisco (of course) has produced on their website a cartoon video snuff film in which a black, female, pro-abortion "superhero" drowns a Christian man to death in a garbage can she fills with water for teaching abstinence to children.

Following this disturbing scene, the "superhero" then goes to an abortion clinic where she kills ugly, Christian, pro-life picketers with a gun that shoots exploding condoms. Next, she flies to Africa to talk to an HIV/AIDS doctor about doing more abortions to make sure all the babies that get born are "wanted and loved". After this, our "superhero" announces she's off to see "the schmuck" Jerry Fallwell.

Finally, she goes to Washington where she puts a condom on the Washington Monument, then confronts a pro-life senator who is claiming to be above the law while he boils abortion rights pamphlets in a stew. The "superhero" proceeds to stuff the senator into the boiling pot and pulls him out naked on a platter with an apple in his mouth. The senator than tells her the boiling of his flesh helped him see the light and that he is now a pro-abortion advocate.

What we see here, my friends, is the dark and deadly reality of the totalitarian left in action. That they could create such a tastelessly violent cartoon, murdering anyone who is pro-life or Christian, tells us just how depraved and dangerous the progressive movement really is. You almost get sick watching this trash, as it is apparent right away that "pro-choice" in this video means you are either pro-abortion or you die.

Some "choice", eh?



Anonymous said...

DISGUSTING!! I'm so pissed that these groups are given federal money to make this crap. What is wrong with the world? We can't have this...thanks for putting this up, MZ. We must see the enemy in all it's horror to truly understand what the hell we're up against.


Mad Zionist said...

"The top-hat and vampiric complexion would be instantly recognizable to any Soviet citizen as the hallmarks of the capitalist robber. Funny how the roots intersect on apparently divergent trunks." -Megapotamus

Did you get a load of the green faced zombies who are protesting? They can't even speak, just grunt like the night of the living dead. Can you imagine if the pro-life websites made a cartoon this bigotted against women seeking abortions or abortion clinic staffers? The left would have them arrested for incitement. This is a disgusting sight to see and must be stopped somehow. It is practically ordering pro-abortionists to go out and kill a pro-lifer! I would never believe it if I hadn't seen it for my own eyes. Planned Parenthood is a terrorist organization.


The Valiant Elephant said...

Linked ya, bro.

Globe Warmer said...

My, my...
There goes the Libs being non-violent again to get their way.

Globe Warmer said...

where can one go to see the cartoon?

Is there a link that I missed somewhere?

Mad Zionist said...

Bill, the link underlining "Planned Parenthood" at the top of the article takes you to the page where you'll find the snuff video.


Globe Warmer said...


Globe Warmer said...

Yo, I just went there, the link took me to "Worldnetdaily" and their article had this in it:

"[Note: Since this story first was posted, the video has disappeared from the front page of the Planned Parenthood website.]

If you can find it again, let me know.

Mad Zionist said...

You are correct, Bill, it is gone. Perhaps the heat we gave PP on my little bitty site scared them into removing the snuff flick.

That said, I'm sure they show it to all the pregnant girls who come to their lair.