Friday, August 19, 2005

Condy Rice: "It cannot be Gaza only."

This report from the New York Times is foreboding to say the least.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday offered sympathy for the Israeli settlers who are being removed from their homes in Gaza but also made it clear that she expected Israel and the Palestinians to take further steps in short order toward the creation of a Palestinian state.

"Everyone empathizes with what the Israelis are facing," Ms. Rice said in an interview. But she added, "It cannot be Gaza only."
The last Gaza Jews haven't even been deported yet and already Ms. Rice is pressuring Israel to make more land concessions? This is not good. Now that Jews and the Land of Israel have been made expendable by Sharon, no capitulation demands will be considered off limits. Where will this insanity end? I sure hope the "Israel Clearance Sale" is stopped before everything is gone.



Anonymous said...

How long before Israel caves in to the Palestinian "Right of Return"? Seems only a matter of time.


In Russet Shadows said...

Yeah, I'm not impressed by that, either. Usually Condi rocks, but this is disturbing. It seems that conservatives in government have an active duration of a few months to a year before they sell out. Maybe we should have more elections and more frequently?

Crusty Old Fart said...

Condi is less qualified to hold her position than my grandson. Did you see her shake hands...left hands on Arab TV. She should have offered her right hand and let it drop if not accepted. Shows very little knowledge of a very important subject.