Sunday, October 23, 2005

Cowardice at the Temple Mount

Why is the tail wagging the dog in Israel? At the Temple Mount, which is the holiest of holy Jewish sites, the Israeli government continues to bow in unabashed dhimmitude to the vile moslems.

This from IsraelNationalNews:

The Supreme Court has ordered a change to its ruling allowing Jews to pray on the Temple Mount on the Sukkot holiday. The Jews may visit, but not pray there. A ruling had been issued allowing members of the Temple Mount Faithful to ascend to Judaism's holiest site and pray there during the weeklong Sukkot holiday.

The ruling went a step further than previous rulings of this type, and permitted the Jews to actually pray there - until it was noticed by the alert State representatives. The Moslem Waqf, which controls the holy site's day-to-day operations, has long objected to Jewish prayer at the site. Israel's police, government and courts, unwilling to take a chance of violence breaking out, have gone along with the Waqf's dictates.


What's the point of fighting to have a Jewish State when the Temple Mount is considered expendable? How the Supreme Court of the Jewish State can voluntarily cede control of this cite to moslems out of fear of reprisal makes one wonder what it's all about anyhow? Is it just about keeping all the trendy shops and restaurants in Tel Aviv?

Something is very, very wrong with this picture.



Anonymous said...

Nice little Nazi site you got here. Looking forward to the zionists being defeated you fuckin Nazi mother fucker.

Mad Zionist said...

Gee, thanks for the compliment, "anonymous". Tell me, are you a leftist, a white supremist or a moslem? It's so hard to tell the difference nowadays.