Tuesday, September 13, 2005

British Court: "Arrest that Jew General"

Is there anything more dangerous than the self-loathing Jew?

This from YnetNews:

“I would advise Doron Almog to hire a good lawyer, since in accordance with our client’s wish we are planning on making the warrant against him international,” said Daniel Machover, the British lawyer [self-loathing Jew] who presented a British court with an arrest warrant against Major General Doron Almog.

Last Sunday, Almog was on his way to Britain when he received a phone call from the Israeli embassy in London, and was told that a Muslim organization brought a warrant against him for his arrest, which was approved by a British court.

Daniel Machover acting on behalf of Palestinian group "demands to know" how Israel's ambassador became aware of arrest and returned to Israel; Israel based far left group Yesh Gvul said it also initiated legal proceedings in UK court against Chief of Staff Halutz and former chief of staff Yaalon

After landing in London, Almog immediately returned to Israel.

Machover, a former Israeli, denied any links between the warrant and his personal political views.

“It’s important for me to emphasize that the office in which I work operates for human rights. I represent the client, in this specific case this is a Palestinian organization representing Palestinian civil rights. If a Jewish civilian turned to us about a breach of his rights here in Britain, I would gladly represent him, but I find it hard to believe there would be a reason too,” said Machover.
Despite his denial of being motivated by a political stance, Daniel Machover been active in a number of anti-Israel initiatives in Britain. In May 2005, Machover signed a letter in support of an academic boycott against Israeli universities, as adopted by Britain’s Association of University Teachers. The letter called on European governments to pass sanctions on Israeli universities.

A self-loathing Jew lawyer, representing islamic jihadists, gets an arrest warrant from a Jew-hating British court for an Israeli General. Why am I not surprised?

Attention Israel: Stop trying to make the leftists and moslems like you better! They Don't, they won't, and they never will.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a serious problem. I feel like we're one step away from Jews being forced to legally defend Torah in court.

Oy Vey