Sunday, September 11, 2005

Britain Liquidating Holocaust Memorial Day?

What's the natural thing to do after moslems have twice bombed your nation's subway system? Why, abolish Holocaust Memorial Day so as not to offend the moslems, of course! Lord knows the Jews are expendable, I mean Israel just physically expelled their own brethren from Gaza after moslem terrorism, didn't they? Yep, that's what any right minded country needs to do: make nice with the terrorists by showing them you don't care much for Jews, either!

Check this out from Ynet News:

"Advisors appointed by British Prime Minister Tony Blair after the London bombings have proposed to cancel Holocaust Memorial Day, claiming it is offensive to the Muslim community, The Sunday Times reports.

While Blair has yet to respond to the proposal, the idea prompted a harsh response from the Jewish community.

According to the proposal, Holocaust Day would be replaced with Genocide Day, which would recognize the mass murder of Muslims in Palestine, Chechnya and Bosnia as well as people of other faiths, the Times said."

So, you see? Dump the Holocaust Day, which after all is only memorializing the virtual extermination of European Jewry, so instead they may honor the poor "Palestinians", who are being so rudely treated by the Jews who stubbornly refuse to let the moslems kill them.

Yeah...that's the ticket.



Anonymous said...

Dear MZ,

I wouldn't think any of the nations would want to
share their memorial day....I don't see how a joint
genocide day will work...


Mad Zionist said...


It is what is known as d'himmitude, or the act of capitulating to moslems so that they'll hopefully stop trying to kill you.

The easiest way to prove one's subservience to islam is by showing them that you don't like Jews or Israel either, and will be willing to support their efforts to destroy Jews any way possible.