Thursday, September 22, 2005

Americans Now Blame Nagin

Despite what you may see and read from leftwing media, the American public now overwhelmingly blames Mayor Nagin, not President Bush, for the tragic response failures in New Orleans. You would think from watching liberal anchormen like Brian Williams blasting Bush every night on the evening news, or reading the arch-liberal New York Times' Bush-bashing ritual every day, that the country would be ready to hang the President from the highest tree left standing in New Orleans.


Though we are bombarded constantly by the MSM with accusations that Bush is everything from a black-hating bigot who wanted the "negroes" to suffer, to being a detatched incompetent telling the poor people of New Orleans to "eat cake", the polls, in fact, now show these allegations to be patently untrue in the eyes of most Americans. According to an AOL poll of over 600,000 people, 67% said President Bush did a BETTER JOB of handling the crisis than Mayor Nagin. In addition, 65% rank the performance of the Mayor POOR, while only 10% feel he did an excellent job. This is quite a statement.

Perhaps it's time for this bumbling ass of a mayor to stop blaming everyone but himself for what happened in New Orleans. The inexcusable behavior of the city's corrupt police force in the wake of the flood that led to violent chaos, and his profanity laced attacks against the President to send buses to New Orleans - when all along Nagin failed to utilize the fleets of buses sitting at his disposal that could have evacuated the people - certainly have not helped the crybaby, excuse maker's case.

Let's hope Houston has a better mayor than this chump when Rita comes calling.



Anonymous said...

Nagin is going to be remembered by even blacks as a corrupt, incompetent ass.

Anonymous said...

Nagin looks and sounds like the street thug that he is. He was elected because he was the most corrupt.
I would not be surprised if criminals did not come into New Orleans to be able to loot and pillage after the storm ended.

beakerkin said...

This is what my coworkers in NO were reporting for weeks. Yet liberal bloggers dismiss the reports of government workers on site.

I started out as a comedy blog but the anti semitic attacks were just too much. I am sure your blog gets the same lunatics that I get.

Show no mercy . Am Yisroel Chai

Anonymous said...
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Mad Zionist said...

Begone, troll.