Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Left Out

Ok, let's examine the preposterous idea some liberals are advancing that Islam is raging in Europe because Euros are so hyper-sensitive to avoid being anti-Semitic that they are pacifying moslem terrorists.

Oy. Unbelievable.

The real motivation for Euros appeasement of moslems is not a paranoia about appearing to hate Jews, but, instead, that Euros are evangelically prosthelatizing a progressive socialist doctrine throughout the world and have utopian dreams of someday creating a secular egalitarian planet; devoid of God, nationality, race, gender differences, and traditional morality.

The reason, therefore, Euros are so smitten with moslems is they believe they're the last, biggest unwashed population utterly vulnerable to being liberalized in the purest Euro mold. There is this romantic notion that once moslems are exposed to liberalism they'll surely abandon islam and convert to progressive socialism, just like Europeans Left has done with Christianity over the past 200 years.

Thus, the evangelical secularist plan is to eventually spread leftist ideology to every corner of the globe, and converting moslems is their key to realizing their quest for worldwide utopian liberal domination.

This is where the Jews come in. Jews are both the devoted allies as well as the natural enemies of the left, and have from the beginning been the fly in the progressive's ointment which they can't figure out what to do with. You see, only the Jew cannot be assimilated fully enough to be accepted as true leftists on any level, yet, despite this fact, the majority of Jews desperately continues to seek this unattainable admittance.

So, why is the Jew blocked from the door on the Left?

First of all, is the Jew's chosen status. Being somehow different as a race of people is not something that liberals can tolerate. Jews must be willing to completely reject any and all elitist "chosenness" in order to be considered for membership in the egalitarian club. Yet, even such renouncements aren't entirely trusted, as other leftists will always doubt the Jew's willingness to totally assimilate and permanently reject all uniqueness claims. Again, the Jew will never be looked at as an equal partner in secular, egalitarian circles no matter how liberal or self-loathing he may proffess to be.

Second, religion. Jews cannot be permitted to maintain laws of koshrut or any other distinct religious practice and still be a welcomed member of liberal utopian society. Jewish laws are very antithetical to assimilation and liberalism, and, therefore, all ties to traditional Judaism must be completely severed. Even once that is done, however, the concern that Jews will remain closet traditionalists makes them less trusted by most

Third, Nationalism. The Jewish Nation's claim to the Land of Israel is an abomination to liberals. The idea that a people would be Biblically commanded to settle a Land is against everything the Left believes in. That Israel exists today as the Jewish State is the embodiment of why Jews can never be trusted as true progressives, even if the Jews themselves are avowed secular socialists. The Jew is tied to the Land of Israel religiously (an affront to leftists), racially (an affront to leftists), historically (an affront to leftists), and nationally (an affront to leftists), which makes Israel wholly incompatible with liberals even if Israel were led by a socialist government.

Israel simply cannot be a Jewish State and at the same time be accepted by liberals. The latter (Jewish State) disqualifies the former (Israel) from being a country that the utopian left would ever tolerate, much less embrace. The only Israel that would be permissible, though still not entirely acceptable, is one which renounces the all Jewish claims to the Land and becomes entirely secular; devoid of all Jewishness be it
religious, cultural, racial, and ancestral. Though even this much would still be inadequate from the perspective of the evangelical secularists, perhaps it would make Jews at least slightly less repugnant in their eyes.

In other words, the Jew will always be mistrusted by the left for being loyal to something other than the collective assimilated entity created by the European intelligentsia. The Jew is an outsider; a person born different who can never be integrated enough to become part of the whole without an asterisk. Try as he may, the Jew can never run from his identity enough to gain the full secular acceptance so many lust for so desperately.

The result is chronic self-loathing. Jews hate themselves for being born Jewish, and often become downright hostile towards fellow Jews whom they view as culpable in blocking their membership to the inner socialist world. Usually, the self-loathers wrath is directed most hotly towards observant Jews, whom they blame most for keeping them out of the "assimilationist club" with there old, outdated, unenlightened ways.

Hence, since no amount of assimilation by the Jew ever can be enough to truly be embraced as an equal by the socialist liberals, the result is living a no-win life. Holding true to the Torah traditions is an abomination to liberals, while abandoning them to pursue the secular dream is futile. The Jew is, and always will be, an obstacle to the messianic leftist path. We are, in fact, his perpetual conundrum: both the insufferable pest and his reliable scapegoat who just never goes away.

In fact, the Jew's mere existance is a constant, irritating reminder to the leftists that they don't have all the answers after all. Despite the self-loathing "Jewtopian" fantasies, there never has been, and there never will be, a successful marriage between evangelical progressives and the Jews.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very good commentary with fresh insights. A fresh take on the
EUro-Israel-Muhammedan problems