Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Saudis Destroy Bibles

As we all know, the Moslem world openly treats other religions as infidel garbage that must be annihilated. The Newsweek story about American interrogators throwing Koran's in the toilet may in fact have been bogus, but I actually wish it were true. IslamoNazis use that book as their free pass to kill anyone who disagrees with their bigoted views. As far as the MadZionist is concerned, we here in America are way too worried about offending Moslems, and not nearly concerned enough about their criminal, homicidal, genocidal religion.

We are in a true war of civilization, people. For us to truly prevail the enemy must be utterly defeated, and any and all tactics necessary to accomplishing our victory must be implemented. Whatever it takes -- political correctness be damned -- is what must be done if we are to
destroy the raging, festering IsalmoNazi threat to the civilized world.


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