Tuesday, November 29, 2005

You Go Midterm Joe

Joe Lieberman wobbled infuriatingly left during the last Presidential race in an effort to get the Democrat nomination - which, of course, he didn't and couldn't because you have to be a true socialist to win that prize. Now that that charade is over, Joe is once again returning to his true midterm form as a DINO (democrat in name only), and to that I say: Welcome home from Buttkissingville, Joe!

Freshly back from a trip to Iraq, Joe had strong words for those who think we should cut and run from there. Said Joe, "I am disappointed by Democrats who are more focused on how President Bush took America into the war in Iraq almost three years ago, and by Republicans who are more worried about whether the war will bring them down in next November's elections, than they are concerned about how we continue the progress in Iraq in the months and years ahead."

Strong words, eh? Joe goes on to add, "What a colossal mistake it would be for America's bipartisan political leadership to choose this moment in history to lose its will and, in the famous phrase, to seize defeat from the jaws of the coming victory."

I couldn't agree with him more completely. Read the entire article about Lieberman in Newsmax.



Freedomnow said...

Thats funny. I was rooting for Gore in 2000 and I was pissed that Joe was his running mate because I thought he was too much of a religious moralist.

Here I am in 2005 and I am cheering him on!!!!

I would have never guessed...

Mad Zionist said...

Ahhh, but that is the beauty of it all, Freedomnow. I went from being a centrist Republican on September 10th, 2001, to a hard right, bloodthirsty hawk one day later. I have only grown more aggressive in the time since, even becoming a social conservative as well as a military/fiscal one, so you just never know where that path will lead.

nanc said...

our 14 year old son, who is extreme right loves joe lieberman. although he is a bushie, still believes joe would be excellent potus. out of the mouthes of babes.

fern, please say you were not rooting for gore...and you're just being facetious as usual...please...

Anonymous said...

Leiberman is a problem because he rubberstamps the fanatical Christian Right position whenever he gets the chance. Democrats in Delaware have got to get rid of this guy so the more centrist left - like Kerry, Schumer, Rangle and Hillary - can make things right with America again. Most progressives with a higher education see right through DINO Joe.

nanc said...

you're kidding, right dana? centrists!!! roflmao!!!

Anonymous said...

Nanc, you have been brainwashed by the bible thumpers. Can't you see how wrong it is to expect the radical right's plan of military aggression to win the hearts and minds of the Arab people. This unnecessary war based on lies is only making us less safe and you know it.

I'm no Muslim apologist, I know their are plenty of bad apples out there, but this only legitimizes them in the eyes of the moderate majority. Lieberman is a disgrace to progressive values and proves that he's in the pockets of the Israeli lobby with this kind of foolishness.

nanc said...

brainwashed by bible thumpers? i'm a grown woman, dana. nobody has made up my mind for me. i make my own decisions and have since the age of 16 - nearly 34 years ago. i did not, however, begin making GOOD decisions until approximately 10 years ago, when G-d called me.

there are calls from G-d throughout the old testament to free the oppressed. there are curses placed on those who abuse israel or even remain aloof while others abuse her. i have peace in my life due to the fact that there is a converse blessing to every curse. i'd much rather be on the side of blessings.

you are misguided if you believe faithfilled jews and christians are weakminded. it is far better to be narrowminded on the side of truth than broadminded on the side of a lie. i believe in black and white situations which makes it much easier to live free.

maybe what you fail to realize is i grew up in a far left family and recognized their idiosyncracies from a very early age. i smelled the coffee before it started perking. i want less government in my life, unlike you.

another thing, there is no man or woman walking this earth today who has control over me or my actions. i am a leader, not a follower. as my husband says, "lead, follow, or get out of the way!" or "you're either part of the problem or part of the solution." which of these are you, dana? or do you have some of john kerry's "ideas" that he failed to make public?

Anonymous said...

I greatly admire Joe Liberman. I even voted for Al Gore in 2000 primarily because of him. (Although looking back with hindsight, of course, I'm certainly glad Gore lost.)

nanc said...

hey dana - this you at cox and forkum?:


see october 9, 2005 - just curious!

Anonymous said...

Leiberman should become a Republican. As for Dana, when did any country win a war by winning the hearts and minds of the enemy population? You win by punishing them so much hat they say "Please stop. We'll do anything you want."

Anonymous said...

MZ, Nanc - I don't know - Democrats have a habit of reverting to form when crunch-time comes - why are they DINOs if they don't agree with the Demo's Destroy America First (and the rest of the civilized world later) ideology? I wouldn't trust any democrat on principle - though of course we have to take our conservatives wherever we find them.

Nanc - your 14-year old has my vote (for being far-right)! I can't stand the centrist lets-win-their-hearts-and-minds-while-they-saw-our-heads-off drivel.

Anonymous said...

"... I know their are plenty of bad apples out there, but this only legitimizes them in the eyes of the moderate majority ..."

Oh yeah, there is that famous 'moderate majority' again! Wake up and see the beheaded charity workers, the stoned-to-death women, the hundreds of millions slaughtered, raped and enslaved, dana.

Just in case you didn't understand - * there * isn't * a * moderate * majority *

Freedomnow said...

Hey Dana,

If you want to win Muslim hearts and minds your liberalism wont help.

Your acceptance of homosexuality and diversity are not compatible with Muslim values.

Even in Muslim countries considered to be secular homosexuals are persecuted and religious tolerance is unacceptable.

If you want to be loved by Muslims then become a Republican. Republican values are much more compatible than liberal western philosophy.

Isnt that a hoot?

Anonymous said...


I almost fell of my chair and swallowed my tongue when I read your comment about the "centrists like "Kerry, Rangle, Schumer and Hillary"

You were being ironic?

That was to damn funny!

Rangle...wasnt he the guy who brought legislation to reinstate the draft because the current way troops sign up for the army is racist and prejudiced against minorities and the poor, and then proceeded to vote against it while yelling and screaming that Bush is bringing back the draft?
Kerry, nothing needed to be said.
Hillary....Are you buying into her metamorphosis so close to the new elections?
Schumer....He is just a twitty twat who I never could take serious while I loved in NYC...Centrist....LOL
thanks..I needed that!