Monday, November 21, 2005

White Men Can't Work

We all know that Canada is just like Eurotrash France when it comes to rampant liberalism, but this really takes the cake. David Marshall, the Deputy Minister of Canada's Department of Public Works, has issued a federal edict, in place at least through March 31, 2006, banning the federal agency from hiring Caucasian males.
Not kidding. In the pursuit of "diversity" and "inclusiveness", white men, no matter how qualified they may be, are hereby forbidden to be hired by agency managers. This edict was issued because the "employment-equity" quota goals of minorities and women came up short in the department's last survey period.
How in the hell Canada thinks they will be more "inclusive" by banning people based on their gender or skin color only a liberal could understand. The way I see it, the Canadian federal government, like all bastions of liberalism, is simply BIGOTED.
Read the report from WorldnetDaily here.


Anonymous said...

No offense, but why does it confuse conservatives that we must have affirmative action hiring practices to allow for a more egalitarian work environment?

Mad Zionist said...

Dana, using racism to achieve diversity should not be celebrated. The only true "egalitarianism" is when everyone is hired only according to their ability - not their race or gender.

Dana, do you not see that in this argument you're taking the position of racism while I'm taking the stance of equal opportunity? Can't you understand this?

Anonymous said...

The racist double standard of the left has become so obvious they dont even try to hide it anymore.

Moves like this are part and parcel to open, unabashed bigotry - as well as their fascist bent.

nanc said...

dana - dana - dana - what are you thinking? can you say "MERIT"? come on boys and girls.

this reminds me of when i worked in a state job and my superiors were always prompting me to check the native american [ ], to which i replied, "no thank you, if i cannot get this position or training based upon what i know, i do not want it!" lo and behold, my bosses would erase my mark and check the native american [ ] anyway - i felt i needed to do ten times better because of that gesture. my feelings of quality, not equality, went right out the window. they weren't doing it for me - they were doing it for quotas - i saved them from having to hire another, perhaps worse in their eyes minority. what a hoax!

wake up and smell the doom dana - you may be being phased out.

nanc said...

in praise of bruce willis - proof that white men can still do the work, has offered one million dollars on the head of leading terrorists. article at newsmax. praise G-d there is someone in hollywierd who is "willising" to put their money where their mouth is!

Freedomnow said...

I guess Dana was asking for trouble. To be frank at one time (in the 70s) affirmative action and school busing was needed.

But this is the 21st Century. The 60s are over.

Things were simpler then and more black and white (no pun intended). Lets grow up and move on with the times.

nanc said...

i used to have to go to affirmative action training on a periodic basis and it was the same, time and time again. BORING. one year i told my boss (words to this affect), "i'm not going!" he asked, "why not?" i replied, "because i don't have a prejudiced bone in my body - i HATE everybody just the same!!!" needless to say, i had to go, but i had the whole class in stitches by lip-synching the entire course with my finger in my nose and other sundry actions.