Thursday, March 23, 2006

Harvard study: The Jews control America (part 1)

Oh no! We've been busted! Yes, now you know David Duke was right all along that us devious, conniving, sinister Jews are in fact running the world. The jig is up because Harvard's Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer exposed the ugly truth in their Cracker Jack new study, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy.

The brilliance of this report is beyond refute, of course. You learn, for example, about how the powerful Jewish lobby uses its influence to sabotage America's national interests just to feed Israel's blood lust. Oy, I feel so naked and ashamed of myself. Please don't hate me for being a weazel; after all, it's in my genes remember! I mean, any good Harvard Dean can tell you that us Jews are all born this way.

Well, now that you know how we of the vast Jewish conspiracy take all of America's wealth and use it to persecute the helpless Palestinians, you are probably asking yourself why? Why would we do such a terrible thing to America and the arabs for no good reason? Well, we simply can't help ourselves! We want to crush, kill and destroy just because we can.

Of course, now that we've been caught red handed, you'll probably want to do what's right and give away Israel to the moslems, and then have us "Jew bastards" all thrown into the sea. Maybe you can have it done in time for Ramadan!

Anyhow, thanks to this amazing report you all now know that the mainstream media is controlled by the Jews, Hollywood is controlled by the Jews, the Evangelicals are controlled by the Jews, the President and all of his appointed staff are controlled by the Jews, and, of course, the congress is controlled by the Jews. Pretty impressive accomplishment for roughly 4% of the population, wouldn't you say?

With that, let's take look at some of my favorite lines from the Harvard University report.
The U.S. national interest should be the primary object of American foreign policy. For the past several decades, however, and especially since the Six Day War in 1967, the centerpiece of U.S. Middle East policy has been its relationship with Israel. The combination of unwavering U.S. support for Israel and the related effort to spread democracy throughout the region has inflamed Arab and Islamic opinion and jeopardized U.S. security.
Brilliant! Supporting Israel has inflamed the Arabs and jeopardized America's security. The way to peace, of course, is to give our support to the jihadis instead of the Jews. How did all you dumb goyim miss this obvious fact for so long?

Instead, the overall thrust of U.S. policy in the region is due almost entirely to U.S. domestic politics, and especially to the activities of the "Israel Lobby." Other special interest groups have managed to skew U.S. foreign policy in directions they favored, but no lobby has managed to divert U.S. foreign policy as far from what the American national interest would otherwise suggest, while simultaneously convincing Americans that U.S. and Israeli interests are essentially identical.
Us dirty little Jews. Of course we have been controlling you, manipulating your wants, needs and desires at all times without you ever suspecting a thing! Be careful, everything you thought you liked and wanted might be just an evil, subliminal trick we greedy Jews played on you. Alas, now that we're revealed the mind control will be much, much tougher.

Israel also gets other special deals from Washington. Other aid recipients get their money in quarterly installments, but Israel receives its entire appropriation at the beginning of each fiscal year and thus earns extra interest.
Aren't we crafty? We get to steal your money with EXTRA interest! My, being part of the vast Jewish conspiracy has had it's perks... sigh...I guess the days of Manischevitz and herring are finally coming to an end. Those damn pesky Harvard sleuths!

In addition, Washington provides Israel with consistent diplomatic support. Since 1982, the United States has vetoed 32 United Nations Security Council resolutions that were critical of Israel, a number greater than the combined total of vetoes cast by all the other Security Council members. It also blocks Arab states’ efforts to put Israel’s nuclear arsenal on the International Atomic Energy Agency’s agenda.
Yup. We Jews have made Washington tap dance, all right. Vote against the kindly Arabs so we can keep taking your blood money! Ha! Look at how those sorry Arabs get picked on in the UN by Israel and our puppet, er, ally, the United States. "Keep the towel heads poor and stupid" we always say at our weekly cabal meetings.

The United States also comes to Israel’s rescue in wartime and takes its side when negotiating peace. The Nixon Administration re-supplied Israel during the October War and protected Israel from the threat of Soviet intervention. Washington wasdeeply involved . . . just as it played a key role in the negotiations that preceded and followed the 1993 Oslo Accords. There were occasional frictions between U.S. and Israeli officials in both cases, but the United States coordinated its positions closely with Israel and consistently backed the Israeli approach to the negotiations. Indeed, one American participant at Camp David (2000) later said, "far too often, we functioned . . . as Israel’s lawyer."
See? We've had everybody working for us and against the snuggly moslems. What a beautiful thing the way we conned the arabs before killing them to use their blood for our Passover matzos.


End of part one. Stay tuned tomorrow for part two of "Harvard study: The Jews control America"


Anonymous said...

Why are you being so smug? The report shows us how the Jewish Lobby has ripped off America and used that money and materials to abuse the Palestinians. It also shows proof that America would have been much better off if it had supported the Arabs instead of Israel right from the beginning.

The Jewish people never should have formed Israel because all it did was inflame the Arabs and cause the world to turn against them. America will eventually turn its back on the Jews, too. Already we see the progressives, who are the traditional allies of the Jews, increasingly turning away because of the way Israel has persecuted the Palestinians. Conservatives like Pat Buchanan also have made it clear that Israel is no friend of ours and that we need to cut off our support for the Jewish State.

It seems all the Jews have left are the Neocons and the Evangelicals to advance their case for Israel, but that by itself won't hold up in the long run. Already we see the Anglicans, Presbyterians and many other Christians divesting from Israel.

As hard as it may be, the Jewish people must give up their claim to Israel or else face very ugly future reprocussions.

nanc said...

ODL - and just when i had some good news. madze, i invited a girl over here >^..^< meow and i've promised to be nice. now to the troll patroll.

unrealityblech - please take your kitty litter outside and clean your own box - garbage out i always say. now shoo!

anybody who divests from israel does so at their own peril and cannot by ANY account be considered a christian! you will know them by their fruit; does your idiocy overwhelm you ever and now for a beamishism "do you ever fool anybody into thinking you're not a moron?"

Anonymous said...

You don't get it. The facts are the facts and the fact is America's support of Israel has put us in danger from the inflamed Arab victims of Israeli aggression. To deny this is pure foolishness and bias.

When will people accept the truth? As long as Israel exists at the expense of the Arab people the world will not realize peace. The sooner America stops propping up this cancer the sooner we will all be able to relax and end all of the conflict generated from the Middle East.

nanc said...

well then, i'll err on the side of G-d who said i would be blessed through abraham. i'll err on the side of praying for the peace of jerusalem. i'll err on the side of what i believe to be the truth. i'll continuing erring this way until the day i die.

another nanclesson for idiots - it is far better to be narrowminded on the side of truth than to be broadminded on the side of a lie!

madze - how many times am i going to have to give that lesson before i retire?

nanc said...

p.s. - do i get a good deal on a condo in palm beach?

Anonymous said...

What a line of shit. Reality Check? that's exactly what you desperately need. Here's a buuletin for you: Kissing Arab terrorist asses won't bring you "peace", moron. Israel and America has actually been to damn nice, if anything. Stop blaming the victims for the actions of the criminals, asshole.

Mad Zionist said...

I can't say it any better then that, Big Right. Well done.

beakerkin said...

At least Anum Muhktar has a blog.
This is just anouther specimen of the common urban red redneck. It is fond of pot and can be found only around college campuses and mental institutions. These days it is hard to notice differences between honest facilities like Mental institutions and your average Social science class . Replace neo with negro and Joo with black and we have an old fashion standard redneck.

Don't be fooled so buy your copy of Mr Beamish's Guide to the variety of left wing psychotic types for 29.99. If you act now we wil throw in a Chia Chomsky.

Call Now

Mad Zionist said...

Anum is the exception to the rule. Most of the vermin just cruise on by with hit and runs.

beakerkin said...


I have to start marketing Beamish based products.

nanc said...

was that a slam on homeless bloggers, beak?

nanc said...

leave it to j.b. and big right to put everything in its proper perspective!

kyle - STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP - you're killin' me!

Anonymous said...

Useful Links

1. The Real Reason They Hate Us

2. News - Guardian

3. Religious Tolerance

"Estimates of the total number of Muslims range from 0.7 to 1.2 billion worldwide and 1.1 to 7 million in the U.S. About 21% of all people on earth follow Islam. The religion is currently in a period of rapid growth.

Christianity is currently the largest religion in the world. It is followed by about 33% of all people -- a percentage that has remained stable for decades. If current trends continue, Islam will become the most popular world religion sometime in the mid-21st century."

4. Religious Tolerance - Islam

5. News 1

6. Iraq Journal

nanc said...

is that you, chemist?

Mad Zionist said...

Man, Bargholz does let it rip with the best of them, doesn't he? Big Right is pretty bullseye, too. No wonder our little troll though better of mouthing off anymore.

nanc said...

yeah, madze, j.b. is like something experienced new every time. no dull moments with him. passionate people are the best kind.

although he and big are close in their zest - they are polar opposites in their moral aspects - isn't it great? the differences in us all. i say it is our differences that draw us together. trolls beware...

Anonymous said...

Those links left by "anonymous" are totally un-useful, and link to a bunch of lies.

Also, Islam is not set to overtake Christianity numbers-wise; Islam's recent growth was due primarily to high birthrates and not conversions, and their birthrates are now falling rapidly.

Anonymous said...

Are you all for real? It never ceases to amaze me just how ignorant rightwingnuts can be.

FACT, the Jews expelled the Palestinians from their homes after they formed Israel.

FACT, the Jews used terrorism against the British and the Arabs to form their state.

FACT, they have been, and still are, illegally expanding settlements in Palestinian land with help from American dollars.

FACT, Israel built an aparthied wall virtually imprisoning the Palestinians and effectively destroying their economy.

FACT, the Palestinians are suffering through check points and road blocks that prevent them from earning a living.

I could go on and on, but you neocon radicals will never let the facts stand in the way of a good rant.

nanc said...

your facts are nothing but myths. G-d gave the land to abraham, isaac and jacob.

the jews have NEVER used terrorism against anybody.

the jews do what they must to house THEIR people. at least they use american dollars for its intended purposes and the money is not sitting in swiss banks for the higher ups to suck tit off of.

the wall was build to protect people from palistinian terrorists.

the palis don't want to work for a living. they want to kill innocent jews and others, take what does not belong to them and call it a living.

get your lies straight!

Anonymous said...

Reality, once the Torah Jews take over the Arabs will be given aq chouice get out or we will thrown you out.

nanc said...

madze, you must see the david crystal article at autonomist before shabbos. lengthy and informative. i'm in the middle of reading it right now.

Anonymous said...

MZ: Actually, the heading of the article is correct - the Jews are controlling large parts of the media and various governments - the only problem is: the Jews in question are Leftist Self-hating Jews - bent on destroying Israel, US, Europe and then finally the world. "Reality Check" is probably a member from this LSHJ Brigade.

Anonymous said...

MZ, you outdid yourself with this one. The dripping sarcasm reminded me of Ann Coulter. You are doing a service to expose these idiots. Ridicule is the best response to this garbage.