Thursday, December 15, 2005

Tel Aviv to build million dollar gay center

My God, what is going on here? In Tel Aviv, a city that openly aspires to be the homosexual capital of the world, they are about to build a 4.3 million shekel (roughly one million American dollars) gay and Lesbian municipal community center, despite the fact that the poor refugees who were expelled from Gaza are still largely homeless, unemployed, hungry, and without their promised government compensation!

From Ynet News:

The Tel Aviv Municipality has decided to build a new statutory institution in the city, which will serve as a community center for members of the homosexual-lesbian community.

The center will be established as a municipal building, and the next elected mayors will be committed to its maintenance, regardless of their political views.

The new center will be Israel's first-ever homosexual-lesbian municipal center, which will provide the community with health and culture services, as well as other civilian services.

The project's founding father is Itai Pinkas, a member of the Tel Aviv City Council, who has led an uncompromising battle for the rights of the city's homosexual and lesbians ever since he was elected.

"This is an important day for the city and the community," Pinkas said after the municipality's decision was made.

"By building this center, Tel Aviv joins an honorable club of advanced cities like New York, Los Angeles and Paris. I thank the mayor, who was a full partner in the initiative and understood the community's needs," he added.

I just can't believe what is going on in Israel. The Pius Jews, who worked so hard to make Gaza into Israel's fruit basket, are thrown out of their homes, off their land, and left homeless living in tent cities eating in soup kitchens, while the government forks over 4.3 million shekels for a homosexual activity center?

I think I need a drink.



Anonymous said...

what a waste of money!

Mad Zionist said...

Kuhnkat, I believe it's the same water they feed the population of San Francisco.

You know, in a related story, President Bush today postponed the move of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem for yet ANOTHER six months. When Bush came into office in 2000, he promised to end the delays and move the embassy immediately!

Well, here we are over 5 years later, and he's still putting it off yet another 6 more months... Blah, blah, blah. Israel's the only country in the world which the U.S. doesn't have its embassy in the official capital of the nation.

I'm so disappointed in so many people for so many reasons, I just don't know what to do anymore. All the politicians are full of crap.


Anonymous said...

Homosexuals have done nothing wrong, while the Settlers commited illegal acts and were removed because they were international criminals. I'm glad they are suffering and think the gay community deserves some respect at last. Good for Tel Aviv.

nanc said...

single or double malt, madze? i feel responsible for this can of worms. please let us know if you're okay - i want to sleep tonight...

nanc said...

leftisdefinitelywrong - you are pain in the arse and i'm sure you know what THAT feels like!

oy - the things i do to keep from cursing!

Mad Zionist said...

Nanc, I'm a single malt man. Tonight I'm having a nip of the Captain, however. The scotch I save for Shabbos.

nanc said...

jan v. - not to worry, i am a christian and the plan the G-d of israel has for us is to spend eternity in israel - she will never fade again. the covenants G-d made with abraham, isaac, and jacob are forever!

okay boys and girls, what does G-d mean when He says "forever"? He means FOREVER. reference the "dry bones".

one more thing - who left the dog door open so leftisleft got back in?

Mad Zionist said...

Leftisright, you blithering idiot, are you serious? You are GLAD they are suffering? What a heartless buffoon you are.

Homosexual activism is indeed a problem, as they destroy the fabric of society with their public display of deviance. I don't care how you are born, if you are gay, well, that's a shame, but don't go taking public funds because of the way you fornicate.

What the hell is wrong with you.

Anonymous said...

Kuhnkat, Israel does have the rights to live inside the Green Line, but when international law forbids them from living on Palestinean property we have a problem. Or are you to stupid and homphobic to see that?

nanc said...

madze, gays are not born that way. try as they might to say they were - they are lying to cover another deep, dark lie. i have had several gay people in my life and a couple in my family - they ALL have had traumatic childhood events.

one friend in particular, a male who i have loved beyond words as a friend, told me, "i wish i'd known you before i became gay and you were married." i could tell he was punishing himself for some horrid incident that happened to him as a child.

what gays do sexually is not normal. we cannot abide by them being "born" that way. one need only look to sodom and gomorrah to know that. what about pompeii - they found men and boys chiselled in time in sexual positions - do you believe G-d approves or would "make" gay people?

i say G-d needs to change them or do what He must with them. and i pray He would forgive me for saying so.

nanc said...

AHA moment!!! this just in at newsmax:

first civil union break-up - which goes to show, they are already ahead of us in the D-I-V-O-R-C-E department! love it!

beakerkin said...


You are missing an obvious comedic corollary. Gay antisemite Simon Jones is having a cow over the center.

I disagree with you as Israel has Civil and not religious law. Gays should not be persecuted and Israel certainly does not do that.
I could care less who the person next door sleeps with. Please do not tell me because I could care less.

I do not want men in black robes decing my religious terms like marriage. However, we are best protected by Civil laws that respect religion rather then dictate to religions.

Anonymous said...

I shudder to think what activities are being activated in this homo haven.--Watch for higher insurance rates due to the increased rear end collisions.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

How perverse civil rights theory has become. Now people champion the desire to be disease vectors.

nanc said...

OMGosh - r.m.!!! leave it to you and beamish. "rear-end collisions" roflmho! at least you didn't call them a bunch of bu++rockers! sure hope that doesn't get me expelled or put in time out...

Anonymous said...

Gomorrah rises again.
Just another excuse for the jihadis and another tax burden on the Israelis (especially when the perverts start suing everyone and spreading AIDS like they do here).

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

If the way you have sex requires antibiotics....